
Multi-Modal Chatbot

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Multi-Modal Chatbot Powered by LangChain Agents, OpenAI's Function Calling, and Streamlit


The multi-modal chatbot I crafted is backed by an agent that uses three tools:

  • REST Countries API Chain: enables retrieving information on countries, invoking Rest countries API
  • DALL·E 3 Image Generator: Generates an image of countries based on the country name
  • Google Search Tool: Useful for fetching information from the web

Getting Started

Clone the repository, set up the virtual environment, and install the required packages

  1. git clone git@github.com:nirbar1985/country-compass-ai.git

  2. ( In case you have python version 3.11.4 installed in pyenv)

    pyenv local 3.11.4
  3. Install dependencies

    poetry install
  4. Enter virtual env by:

    poetry shell

Store your API keys

  • Create .env file
  • Place your OPENAI_API_KEY into .env file
  • Place your SERPAPI_API_KEY into .env file

Running the Multi-Modal ChatBot

Kick of the chatbot by running:

streamlit run chatbot_ui.py

Pose queries for instance -

  • Create images of countries

    Screenshot 2024-02-10 at 18 16 30

  • Retrieve information on countries

    Screenshot 2024-02-10 at 0 44 48
  • Get current data

Screenshot 2024-02-09 at 23 02 00


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.