
Get a value from an object by its path

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Get a value from an object by its path.


Not only getv is a drop-in replacement of lodash.get method, but it does it twice as fast (check benchmark.js file) and also takes half of its size.


  • npm - npm i getv -S


const getv = require('getv');

const object = {
  foo: {
    bar: 1,
  baz: 5,
  lor: ['mir', 'dal'],
  boo: [
    { id: 1 },
    { id: 2 },

getv(object, 'none.bar');             // => undefined

getv(object, 'none.bar', 'default');  // => 'default'

getv(object, 'baz');                  // => 5

getv(object, 'foo.bar');              // => 1

getv(object, 'lor.1');                // => 'dal'

getv(object, 'boo.id');                // => [1, 2]