
An Interpreter for Tatsumaki Tags

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


David GitHub license npm

A Tatsumaki tag script interpreter


npm install tatsuscript --save


const TatsuScript = require('tatsuscript');

let script = '{abs;-1}'; // the absolute function

let output = TatsuScript.run(script, message); // the message is the context the command was run in

console.log(output); // 1

Registering custom functions

Example using Discord.JS

TatsuScript.registerFunction('sendfile', function (url) {
    url = this.interpret(url); // url should be interpreted, it's a token

    this.context.channel.send(new Discord.MessageAttachment(url));

    return `Sent file to ${this.context.channel.name}`;