- 01. Using for loop to read items in a list
- 02. Using for loop to read an array
- 03. Using for loop to read a list of string values with spaces
- 04. Using for loop in {START..END..INCREMENT} range
- 05. Using for loop in {START..END..INCREMENT} range going backward
- 06. - Using for loop with 3 parts and condition counter
- 07. Using for loop with 3 parts and multiple conditions and actions with comma
- 08. Using Infinite for loop
- 09. Using for loop with conditional break and continue
- 10. Using for loop to read filenames by
- 11. Using for loop to read output from find command
- 12. Using for loop to read filenames of a directory recursively
- 13. Using for loop to read filenames of a directory recursively with the condition
- 15. Using for loop based on the output of package list command
- 16. Using for loop to read lines of a file
- 17. Using for loop to read lines of a file with conditional match
- 18. Using while loop with a counter
- 19. Using while loop with user input and quit when selecting exit from the menu
- 20. Combining while loops with
- 21. Using until loop with a counter
- 22. Terminate until loop based on user input
- 23. Using nested while loops
- 24. Using until loop to sleep/wait for background task started in script
- 25. Using while loop to read pid from ps output that is not terminated
- 26. Searching any string in a file using loop and exit
- 27. Combine bash with curl to evaluate data from URL
- 28. Reading data from a port send by netcat using while loop
- 29. ping URL using a loop
- 30. Running top in batch mode using a loop and record output