JLua is a scripting tool for Java. This tool allows scripts written in Lua to manipulate components developed in Java and vice versa.
JLua is a fork of "LuaJava". It offers the following improvements:
- Added LuaState wrapper to ease manipulation of lua objects.
- Simpler creation of Java objects from Lua.
- Lua error automatically causes Java exception and vice versa.
- Added "try ... catch ... finally" mechanism to Lua.
- Allows simpler implementation of Java interfaces in Lua.
- Simple Java array creation from lua.
- Fixed some multithreading issues.
- Plenty of other bug fixes.
First, change your current working directory to the build directory. Then, run cmake:
cmake /path/to/source/
For 64-bit build run:
cmake /path/to/source/ -DCMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM=x64
On Linux/Mac the default generator is Unix Makefiles, so the build can be started by invoking the make executable:
On Windows the default generator is a Visual Studio project file. You can open the file and build manually or execute the following command from the VS Native Tools command prompt:
devenv Project.sln /build Debug
Before running the Java program, make sure you have the .so (UNIX) or .dll (Windows) file path in your "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" (UNIX) or "PATH" (Windows) environment variable.
This library offers 5 functions:
jlua.getClass ( class_name )
Get a Java class to lua code. Examples:
System = jlua.getClass("java.lang.System") System.out:println("Hello world")
ArrayList = jlua.getClass("java.util.ArrayList") a = ArrayList:new(2) a:add("Hello") a:add("World") print(a:get(0)) print(a:get(1))
jlua.newArray ( class_name, num_of_elements )
Create new Java array from Lua. Examples:
a = jlua.newArray("int", 3) a[1] = 7 a[2] = 5 a[3] = 8 print(a[1] + a[2] + a[3])
a = jlua.newArray("java.lang.String", 2) a[1] = "aa" a[2] = "bb" print(a[1] .. a[2])
jlua.throw ( trowable_or_string )
Throws Java exception or string. Examples:
Exception = jlua.getClass("java.lang.Exception") jlua.throw(Exception:new("some exception"))
jlua.try ( try_block, catch_block ) or
jlua.try ( try_block, catch_block, finally_block ) or
jlua.try ( try_block, nil, finally_block )Implement "try ... cache ... finally" block. Examples:
jlua.try(function() print("aa") jlua.throw(jlua.getClass("java.lang.Exception"):new("hey")) print("bb") end, function(e) print(e:toString()) end)
jlua.try(function() jlua.try(function() print("aa") jlua.throw(jlua.getClass("java.lang.Exception"):new("hey")) print("bb") end, nil , function() print("ff") end) end, function(e) print(e:toString()) end)
jlua.createProxy ( java_interface, lua_table )
Create lua implementation of Java interface. Example:
runnable = {} function runnable:run() print("hey") end runnableJava = jlua.createProxy("java.lang.Runnable", runnable) thread = jlua.getClass("java.lang.Thread"):new(runnableJava) thread:start()
Actually, in this example there is no need to use jlua.createProxy. JLua automatically convert lua table to Java interface as it passes as a parameter. Simplified example:
runnable = {} function runnable:run() print("hey") end thread = jlua.getClass("java.lang.Thread"):new(runnable) thread:start()
The "Lua" object offer many methods to manipulate lua objects. See src/java/org/jlua/Console.java for simple usage example.