
This uses an arduino device as a keyboard emulator. Owing to the types of USB interfaces only the 32u4 and SAMD based boards (Leonardo, Esplora, Zero, Due and MKR Family) will work as a native Mouse and/or Keyboard to a connected computer.

This is reported to work well on Vail as well as VBand

Step 1

Compile the code in Arduino IDE and upload to your arduino

note: The code must sit in the same named folder ( change the folder name after download or move to sketchbook in a new folder. (version 2+ of Arduino does not seem to care so much )

note2 you may need to download library Tools->Manage Libraries... then search and add "Keyboard.h" ( HID required too but may be included anyway ).

note3 Make sure you set the board to a 32u4 or SAMD based board otherwise the compile will fail since the Keyboard object will not be defined ( not supported by the board).

note4 Make sure you also set the board to 3V/5V 8MHZ/16MHz as required. I managed to brick my Arduino Pro Micro by having the wrong type. I did however manage to resurrect the device by re-installing the bootloader using a Nano as ISP. See here for how to do this: https://www.instructables.com/Burn-Bootloader-Arduino-Nano-As-ISP-to-Pro-Micro/ Note that there is an easier way to do this by hitting reset twice quickly ( need to use shorting wire on mini as no reset button ) and you have 8 seconds to load your software correctly. As my Arduino does not do this fast enough ( compile/upload ) I ended up selecting upload and waiting to double-reset just before the IDE started the upload ( takes a bit of timing ).

Step 2

Connect a lead to your paddle with the following:

Paddle        Arduino
Ground        Ground Pin
Dit           Pin 2
Dah           Pin 3

I use PIN 2,3 here as they are next to ground PIN on some boards so makes for easy wiring.

Step 3

Then connect the arduino device to your computer USB port. Most computers will recognise it as a HID/Keyboard device.


Note the pins can be configured in the code. It the DIT and DAH are the wrong way around - change the connection or change the code.

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The new Version I take portable with laptop and mini-key.... The glue is just used to take strain on connectors.

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