My MISTY1818 Python App with Flask

This application is built using Flask. Follow the instructions below to set up the environment and run the application.


  • You need to install Python 3.10.9 or higher.

    sudo apt install python3.10.9
    mkdir misty1818
    cd misty1818
    python3 -m venv .venv
    . .venv/bin/activate


To install the required packages, run the following commands:

python -m pip install Flask
python -m pip install requests
python -m pip install python-dotenv


In the index.html file, locate line 98 and change the to your own endpoint.

Running the App

To activate the app, you need to write the following command in the terminal:


Important Note

Please make sure to follow your provider's specific instructions on how to install and deploy Python apps with Flask.

For DigitalOcean Users

If you are using DigitalOcean servers, please follow the guide available at the following link to set up your Flask and Python environment:

How to Create Your First Web Application Using Flask and Python 3 on DigitalOcean