

TutorMe allows students to tutor and get tutoring. You can sign up as a student or a tutor for any of the classes. You can access the resumes of the tutoring and can upload your resume.

Ruby version

ruby '2.6.3'

System dependencies

General Dependencies

* pg: postgress database driver which is used for production only
* puma: puma is a rails dependency to launch a server
* sass-rails: sass style sheets for rails
* webpacker: webpacker js library for packing and delivering frontend
* turbolinks: makes navigating web application faster
* bcrypt: for authentication
* carrierwave: for uploading files into the rails application
* pry: rails console extension
* devise: used to authenticate and create users
* bootsnap: reduce boot time by caching
* bootstrap-sass: introduce bootstrap saass
* font_awesome5_rails: used to display font awesome icons
* tzinfo-data: zone info configuration

Development Dependencies

* sqlite3: used for development and test databases
* web-console: displays rails error on the web page
* spring: speeds up the development of the application by keeping it running in the background.

Test Dependencies:

* capybara: adds system support testing for selenuim
* selenium-webdriver: frontend testing (not used)
* webdrivers: drivers to run tests with different chrome browser (such as chrome)

How to run the test suite

rails test