
Collection of common utility classes and setup I use in my Android apps

Package Structure

base android    # Root Package
├── data                      # For data handling.
│   ├── domain                # Responsible for representing the concepts of business
|   │   ├── mapper            # For mapping entity or dto into domain models   
|   |   ├── model             # Domain models will be viewmodel layer
│   ├── persistance           # Local Persistence Database. Room (SQLite) database
|   │   ├── dao               # Data Access Object for Room   
|   |   ├── entity            # Entity models for room 
|   |   ├── typeconverter     # Converts custom types to and from known types that Room can persist
│   ├── remote                # Remote Data Handlers     
|   │   ├── api               # Retrofit API for remote end point.
|   │   ├── dto               # Data Transfer Object models for processing data from remote server
│   └── repository            # Single source of truth for data.
├── di                        # Dependency Injection             
│   ├── intializers           # App Startup initializers   
│   └── module                # DI Modules
├── ui                        # View layer
|   ├── adapter               # Adapter for RecyclerView
|   └── activity              # Activity for single activity architecture  
│   └── fragment              # Each screen is represented as fragments
├── viewmodel                 # responsible for preparing and managing the data 
└── utils                     # Utility Classes / Kotlin extensions

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Screenshot 2021-12-09 at 12 29 55 PM