
This is a Responsive Wordpress starter theme built with underscores.me, bourbon (mixins) and neat(grids)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Responsive Wordpress Starter Theme

This is a Responsive Wordpress starter theme built with underscores.me, bourbon (mixins) and neat(grids)

Note: In order to use this starter theme, you must know how to use Bourbon mixins and Neat grids. Neat is a semantic grid framework built on top of Sass and Bourbon. It is simple enough to get you up and running in minutes, and powerful enough to handle any responsive layout you can dream of.

Steps to download, install and configure

  1. Close this repository to your local machine with the below command.

    git clone git://github.com/nirmalkc/Responsive-Wordpress-starter-theme

    Note: You must have git installed in your machine. After cloning this repository, do not forget to delete the readme.txt file from the /mytheme folder.

  2. Download the underscores theme with sassify option (advanced view) from underscores.me. Extract the downloaded ZIP file to /mytheme folder.

  3. Move the sass folder to /src folder, which is one level above.

  4. Go to the /sass folder, create a new folder called vendors. Go inside the /vendors folder and run the following commands to install bourbon and neat.

    If you are not installed bourbon and neat in your computer before, do the following

    gem install bourbon
    gem install neat
    bourbon install
    neat install

    If you have already installed bourbon and neat in your computer.

    bourbon install
    neat install
  5. Move the _grid-settings.scss file inside the /neat folder.

  6. Open style.scss and add the following code at the end to support bourbon and neat.

    @import "vendors/bourbon/bourbon"
    @import "vendors/neat/neat"

    You can change the theme details like name, theme url, author, author url, description, version etc by changing the values of the comments mentioned in the beginning of the style.scss file.

  7. Open package.json file and change the name ResponsiveWordpressTheme to your project name and change the description Starter theme to your project description.

    Note: Project name cannot have whitespace character.

  8. Run the command npm install, this will install all the required node modules to run the grunt tasks.

  9. Reponsive wordpress starter theme is ready now.


It is quite simple to deploy all the compiled files to your wordpress theme folder.

Just copy the mytheme folder to your wordpress theme directory /wp-content/themes.

You can also change mytheme folder name to whichever name you would prefer. If you do so, please change the destination path in the Gruntfile.js appropriately.