Nirmohi's Vention Test

Video Demo

Running the App

  • git clone
  • npm install && cd client && npm install
  • npm run dev in the root project folder


  • Stack used - React/Redux, MongoDB, Node/ Express and the app is only setup for development for this test.

  • Server

    • Ordinarily the keys file with the mongoURI would be added to .gitignore. Since the app does not have add/delete product functionality (yet), I pushed the keys to Github so the app can be reviewed with all the product data already in my MongoDB cluster. Images are stored in Cloudinary.
    • All IP addresses have been whitelisted in MongoDB Atlas, but in case the database refuses to connect for you, please do let me know.
  • Client

    • A proxy has been setup for development so concurrently can run the front and back-end development servers, well, concurrently.
  • If anything seems obviously wrong or off with the setup while running the app please let me know so I can push a fix.

  • Lastly - this was fun to build, thank you!