A collection of libraries/modules to ease your coding life with Lua. :)
Feel free to use and or modify the code for your own projects.
This is an implementation of the Switch/case statement written for Lua, as it does not have its own switch/case out of the box.
require("Switch") -- import the module
local switch = Switch.switch -- optional but recommended for better code readability
local name = "Peter"
switch(name, {
-- This function will not be run, as name does not equal 'Judy':
['Judy'] = function()
print(name .. " is very nice.")
-- This function will be run, as name matches 'Peter':
['Peter'] = function()
print(name .. " is very polite.")
-- This function will be run if no matches were found:
['default'] = function()
print(name .. " wasn't found :(")