
A tiny utility package to extract Nimble information from any .nimble project

Primary LanguageNimMIT LicenseMIT

📦 A tiny utility package to extract Nimble information from any .nimble project

😍 Key Features

  • Enable features by a specific dependency 🎉
  • Enable Backwards Compatibility support
  • Magically when requires "pkg_name"
  • Extract all package dependencies (direct + indirect)
  • Cache metadata in pkginfo.json in Current Working Project
  • Meta-programming powered by Nim's Macros 👑
  • Open Source | MIT License


nimble install pkginfo


Get nimble meta data from current working project

import pkginfo

    echo pkg().getVersion
    echo pkg().getDescription

Use requires macro to determine the current package dependencies and change the way application works.

import pkginfo

when requires "toktok":
    # here you can import additional libraries or modules
    # execute blocks of code or whatever you need

Extract the version of a package from .nimble project for backwards compatibility support

import pkginfo

when requires "toktok":
    when pkg("toktok").getVersion <= v("0.1.1"):
        # backwards compatibility support
        # code for newer versions

Checking for the current Nim version from main .nimble

when nimVersion() < v "1.6.4":
    {.warning: "You are using an older version of Nim".}


  • Extract deps info
  • Semver support via Semver lib
  • Extend support for Nimble variables
  • Handle indirect deps
  • Cache dependency metadata in a pkginfo.json
  • Add unit tests
  • Test with bigger projects
  • Extract pkg info with nimble dump <pkg> --json
  • Handle local packages (linked with nimble-link)

❤ Contributions

Contribute with code, ideas, bugfixing or you can even donate via PayPal address 🥰

👑 Discover Nim language

What's Nim? Nim is a statically typed compiled systems programming language. It combines successful concepts from mature languages like Python, Ada and Modula. Find out more about Nim language

Why Nim? Performance, fast compilation and C-like freedom. We want to keep code clean, readable, concise, and close to our intention. Also a very good language to learn in 2022.

🎩 License

Pkginfo is an Open Source Software released under MIT license. Made by Humans from OpenPeep.
Copyright © 2022 OpenPeep & Contributors — All rights reserved.