
Next.js + Prisma + TailwindCSS + (Type-)GraphQL

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Next FullStack Starter

Next.js + Prisma + TailwindCSS + (Type-)GraphQL

This project serves as the starting point of some of my SaaS products, so I'm continuously improving it.




Moving .env.example to .env.

Then get your database ready, install PostgreSQL and make sure you have a user and database matching the default one we use:


You can also customize it by updating .env file.


# Install dependencies

# Apply migrations if you're running for the first time
yarn migrate-dev

# Start Next.js
yarn dev

NPM Scripts

yarn dev

Run the development server.

yarn build

Build for production.

yarn gql-gen

Generate React (urql) hooks for GraphQL queries, powered by GraphQL Code Generator

yarn prisma-client

Generate Prisma client.

yarn migrate-dev

For development only

Save migrate files, and apply changes to database, typically you should run this after making changes to prisma/schema.prisma.

yarn migrate-deploy

For production only

Applying local migrations to the database.



We also added two Next.js/TS aliases: $src for src folder and $server for server folder.


We create a GraphQL at /api/graphql using Apollo Server and Type GraphQL, GraphQL resolvers are populated at server/resolvers, consult Type GraphQL docs for more.

Every time you create a new resolver file you need to add it to src/pages/api/graphql.ts.

On the client-side we use urql to execute GraphQL queries, you should write GraphQL queries using SDL in src/graphql and run yarn gql-gen to generate corresponding React hooks, and import the generated hooks from src/generated/graphql like this:

import { useCurrentUserQuery } from '$src/generated/graphql'

const currentUser = useCurrentUserQuery()

if (currentUser.loading) {
  return null

return <div>{currentUser.data.currentUser.name}</div>

Style guide

Variable casing

Use PascalCase for Component name, otherwise camelCase is preferred.

Filename casing

Use PascalCase for React component files, other wise use kebab-case.
