This is a simple tourist guide mobile app developed in Android Studio. Database used is SQLite Database This app will provide the following features,
- login and registering
- display 10 countries with their information
- 5 cities are displayed in listView of each country
- live weather data of a selected city will be shown
- user will be able to get the directions for the nearest airport in a selected city (through google maps)
- marking/unmarking countries as favorite
- adding custom notes for a selected country
Installing the app -
after installing the app on your device, click on 'GET STARTED' button in the welcome screen to be directed to the 'LOGIN' screen.
you can create a new account by clicking on 'DON'T HAVE AN ACCOUNT? SIGN UP' to get registered.
after you click on 'REGISTER' button, the app will take time to load, since the database needs to get copied and loaded into your device. ( logcat will show an error for a few seconds but the app will start fine)
working with the app - click on the country name from the country list to check the country details.
press 'GO TO DETAILS' from the map interface.
to add a custom note, press on the 'NOTE' icon in the top right corner.
to go to the city details page, click on a city name from the city list given.
click on the 'MORE' button on the city image, to open city's corresponding wikipedia page.
click on the airport name to get nearest airport location in google maps.
customizing the app - you are able to add countries and cities to the app, by simple running the 'add country' and 'add city' interfaces.