
Introduction to object oriented paradigm of programming

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Introduction to object oriented paradigm of programming The sequence you should follow is:

  1. Why OOPs?
  2. Introdunction to OOP
  3. Class, Instance and instanciation
  4. Class variable vs instance variable
  5. Instance methods, class methods and static methods
  6. Abstaction, inheritance and information hiding
  7. Inheritance
  8. Polymorphism

Very brief OOP guide and resources links :

Object --> A programming construct having similarity with real word object. Objects in programming have attributes and methods same as objects in real world have properties and functions it can perform.

Class is a prototype of the object and instance is one "object" itself.

OOPS conept video : https://youtu.be/5SWKbS87p98 OOPs concept in java : https://www.guru99.com/java-oops-concept.html