
react.bot backend

Primary LanguagePython


  • This repository is for our react.bot backend!
  • It consists of two servers. One is for communicating with the client in real-time and the other is for inferencing user's voice.

How to start this..

  1. Clone this repository!
git clone https://github.com/fb-react-bot/react.bot-backend.git 
cd react.bot-backend
  1. (Optional) Install Docker and Docker-compose and run them up.
  • If you don't have Docker and Docker-compose on your machine: this shell script will install them.
  • this script is only for Ubuntu OS (tesed only on Linux Ubuntu 18.04 LTS)
. start.sh
  1. Edit settings.py:
HOST_URL = "http://{your IP address}"
  1. Deploying a model API first and a socket server in a same host.
  • the file "docker-compose.yaml" has configurations for two services: react_bot_backend_svc and react_bot_model_svc
  • "docer-compose up" will build up all of the services.
docker-compose up --build -d

System Architecture

Image of System