
Store profile information in couchdb

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Store profile information in couchdb

Build Status Dependency Status Dependency tracking by David


npm install couch-profile


To use the module you will first need to setup a cradle connection. A few views are needed in your database to use couch profiles. Look in the <project_roo>/docs/ folder to see the views needed. You can easily create these view using the couchdb-update-views


Look at index.js to see the full public api available. The following functions are available for use

  • findProfile
  • getOrCreateProfile
  • checkPassword
  • hashPassword

Instatiate Views

npm install -g couchdb-update-views
couchdb-update-views --config <path/to/config.json> --docsDir <couch-profile_project_root>/docs

Get Or Create Profile

This will automatically create a new profile if needed. Use findProfile if you just want to lookup a profile without creating one

var couchProfile = require('couch-profile')
var db = <cradle database connection>
var profileData = {
  db: db,
  email: 'foo@example.com',
  password: 'barPass' // this will be salted and hashed before storage
couchProfile.getOrCreateProfile(profileData, function(err, profile) {
  if (err) {
    inspect(err, 'error getting profile')
  inspect(profile, 'got couch profile')

Find Profile

Lookup a profile but don't create new ones

var couchProfile = require('couch-profile')
var db = <cradle database connection>
var profileData = {
  db: db,
  email: 'foo@example.com'
couchProfile.getProfile(profileData, function(err, profile) {
  if (err) {
    inspect(err, 'error getting profile')
  inspect(profile, 'got couch profile')


If you create a profile with a password field, it will be salted and hashed and stored in a hash field. The actual password value is not stored. Hashing is done with the native nodejs bcrypt implementation https://github.com/shaneGirish/bcrypt-nodejs

var bcrypt = require('bcrypt-nodejs')
var couchProfile = require('couch-profile')
var password = 'fooBarPass'
couchProfile.hashPassword(profileData, function(err, profile) {
  if (err) {
    inspect(err, 'error hashing password')
  inspect(password, 'original raw password')
  inspect(reply, 'hashed password')
  bcrypt.compare(password, hash, function (err, reply) {
    if (err) {
      inspect(err, 'erorr checking if hashed password matches')
    inspect(reply, 'does hash check out? ')