
Implement two search algorithms (DFS and A*) for finding the shortest path in a six-by-six maze.

Primary LanguagePython

Maze Search Algorithms

This repository contains a Python implementation of two search algorithms (Depth First Search (DFS) and A*) for finding the shortest path in a six-by-six maze. The application includes the setup of a random maze with barriers and performs searches to find the path from a starting node to a goal node.


The objective of this coursework is to implement DFS and A* algorithms to find the shortest path in a maze, and to compare their performance in terms of completeness, optimality, and time complexity.

Features of the System

  1. Setup Maze:

    • Randomly select a starting node from nodes 0-11.
    • Randomly select a goal node from nodes 24-35.
    • Randomly select four barrier nodes from the remaining nodes.
  2. Perform DFS Search:

    • Output the list of visited nodes.
    • Calculate and output the time to find the goal.
    • Output the final path found.
  3. Perform A Search*:

    • Calculate heuristic cost using Manhattan distance.
    • Output the list of visited nodes.
    • Calculate and output the time to find the goal.
    • Output the final path found.
  4. Repeat Searches:

    • Perform DFS and A* search on three different random mazes.
    • Analyze the results in terms of completeness, optimality, and time complexity.
    • Report the mean and variance of the solution time and path length.

Maze Setup

The maze is a 6x6 grid with the following rules:

  • The (x, y) coordinates of each node are defined by the column and row.
  • Random starting node within nodes 0-11.
  • Random goal node within nodes 24-35.
  • Four randomly selected barrier nodes from the remaining nodes.

Implementation Details

Task 1: Setup Maze

  • Define the maze with nodes and coordinates.
  • Randomly select starting node, goal node, and barrier nodes.

Task 2: Perform DFS Search

  • Implement DFS algorithm considering valid moves (horizontal, vertical, diagonal) and avoiding barrier nodes.
  • Process neighbors in increasing order.
  • Calculate time to find the goal and output visited nodes list and final path.

Task 3: Calculate Heuristic Cost

  • Develop a function to calculate the heuristic cost for each node using Manhattan distance.
  • Example:
    h(8, G) = |4 - 1| + |3 - 2| = 4

Task 4: Perform A* Search

  • Implement A* algorithm using the heuristic cost calculated in Task 3.
  • Output visited nodes list, time to find the goal, and final path.

Task 5: Repeat Searches and Analyze Results

  • Repeat DFS and A* searches on three different random mazes.
  • Analyze and compare the results for completeness, optimality, and time complexity.
  • Report mean and variance of solution time and path length.

Project Structure

  • main.py: The main Python file containing the implementation of the maze search algorithms.

How to Run

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/nisal2002/Maze-Search-Algorithms.git
  2. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd Maze-Search-Algorithms
  3. Run the Python program:

    python main.py

    The program will execute the setup of the maze, perform DFS and A* searches, and output the required results.

Technologies Used

  • Python



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.