
Lightweight mini unix bash like shell using fork( ) & exec( )

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT



  • Makefile : build executable by "make all".
  • minish.c : single c file that implements basic mini shell (minish).
  1. Run "make" command after extracting files.
  2. It will compile 'minish.c' and generate executable file 'minish'.
  3. "./minish" will launch the program and give prompt as follows, prompt will display current woking directory as well.
  • minish:/home/csvb/os/hw1>>

minish is simple shell program which imitates basic shell functions as follows:

1. Run any command with single, multiple or no arguments

sh:/home/csvb/os/hw1/nisarg_hw1>>ls -l total 44
-rw-rw-r-- 1 csvb csvb 102 Sep 20 00:56 Makefile
-rwxrwxr-x 1 csvb csvb 13920 Sep 20 01:16 minish
-rw-rw-r-- 1 csvb csvb 9121 Sep 20 01:16 minish.c
-rw-rw-r-- 1 csvb csvb 8088 Sep 20 01:16 minish.o
-rwxr-x--- 1 csvb csvb 275 Sep 20 00:56 myscript
Exited, status=0
minish: /home/csvb/os/hw1/nisarg_hw1>>

2. Put any command or script in background by appending '&':

minish:/home/csvb/os/hw1/nisarg_hw1>>sleep 10 &

3. List backgrounded processes with "listjobs" command

List of backgrounded processes :

Name PID Status
sh 19932 FINISHED
sleep 19936 RUNNING


4. Put any backgrounded process in foreground by "fg" command :

minish:/home/csvb/os/hw1/nisarg_hw1>>sleep 30 & minish:/home/csvb/os/hw1/nisarg_hw1>>listjobs
List of backgrounded processes :

Name PID Status
sh 19932 FINISHED
sleep 19936 FINISHED
sh 19937 FINISHED
sleep 19953 RUNNING

minish:/home/csvb/os/hw1/nisarg_hw1>>fg 19953

5. Terminate current process by pressing "ctrl + c".

minish:/home/csvb/os/hw1/nisarg_hw1>>sh myscript 1 2 3 Displaying Arguments at an interval of 5 Seconds
^C:Process 19962 Terminated:Killed by signal 2

6. Change directory by "cd" or get current directory by "pwd"

Current Working Directory : /home/csvb/os/hw1 minish:/home/csvb/os/hw1>>cd ..
Directory Changed to /home/csvb/os
minish:/home/csvb/os>>cd ..
Directory Changed to /home/csvb minish:/home/csvb>>cd os/hw1 Directory Changed to os/hw1 minish:/home/csvb/os/hw1>>pwd
Current Working Directory : /home/csvb/os/hw1 minish:/home/csvb/os/hw1>>

7. Exit the shell by issuing "exit" command.

It will first wait for any of its child processes to finish (to avoid orphan processes) and then terminate.


Waiting for any processes to finish...
Good Bye !!


Thats All Folks !!