
Go Shop is a delightful e-commerce application featuring seamless Paytm integration for secure and enjoyable online shopping experiences. 🛒✨

Primary LanguageJavaScript

NextJS Go_Shop 🛍️

Overview 🌐

GO-Shop is a sample e-commerce application built using PostgreSQL as the database, Strapi as the headless CMS, and Next.js as the frontend framework. The application also integrates Paytm for seamless payment transactions. This readme provides essential information on setting up and running the GO-Shop application.

Table of Contents 📑

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Installation
  3. Configuration
  4. Running the Application
  5. Usage
  6. Contributing

Prerequisites 📋

Make sure you have the following prerequisites installed before setting up the GO-Shop application:

Installation 🚀

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/nischay-code/go-shop.git
  1. Navigate to the project directory:
cd go-shop
  1. Install dependencies for the frontend:
cd frontend
npm install
  1. Install dependencies for the Strapi backend:
cd ../backend
npm install

Configuration ⚙️

Frontend Configuration

  1. Open frontend/.env.local and configure the following variables:

Backend Configuration

  1. Open backend/config/database.js and configure the PostgreSQL database connection:
// ... (same as above)
  1. Open backend/config/server.js and configure the server host and port:
// ... (same as above)

Running the Application ▶️

  1. Start the Strapi backend:
cd backend
npm run develop

The Strapi admin panel should be accessible at http://localhost:1337/admin.

  1. Create necessary content types and data in the Strapi admin panel.

  2. Start the Next.js frontend:

cd frontend
npm run dev

The GO-Shop application should be accessible at http://localhost:3000.

Usage 🚀

Explore the GO-Shop application, add products to the cart, and proceed to checkout. Use the Paytm integration for secure payment transactions.

Contributing 🤝 Feel free to contribute to the development of GO-Shop by opening issues and pull requests on the GitHub repository.

Happy Coding! 💻😊🌟