
Brick Viewer - Qt GUI for testing of Bricks and Bricklets

Primary LanguagePython

Brick Viewer

This repository contains the source code of the Brick Viewer.


The following libraries are required:

  • python
  • python-qt4
  • python-qt4-gl
  • python-opengl
  • python-serial
  • pyqt4-dev-tools

On Windows you will also need:

  • Python for Windows extensions

On Debian based Linux distributions try:

sudo apt-get install python python-qt4 python-qt4-gl python-opengl python-serial pyqt4-dev-tools

First you have to build the Qt .ui files (you'll need pyuic4 for that), you can do this with python build_all_ui.py in src/. After that you should be able to start brickv from source with python main.py in the src/brickv/ directory.

Building Packages

The Python script src/build_pkg.py can build a Debian package for Linux, a setup.exe for Windows and a Disk Image for Mac OS X. Run:

python build_pkg.py