What is ansible?

Ansible is an open-source software provisioning, configuration management, and application-deployment tool enabling infrastructure as code. It runs on many Unix-like systems, and can configure both Unix-like systems as well as Microsoft Windows.

How to configure Ansible to Windows?

  1. Open windows powershell then run this comment

    1. Enable-windowsOptionalFeature -online -featurename:Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux

  2. Download ubuntu from microsoft store and lunch it.

  3. Then run this comment in ubuntu terminal:

    1. sudo apt-add-repository ppa:ansible/ansible

  4. Then run this comment for install ansible.

    1. sudo apt-get install ansible

  5. Finally, check ansible is successfully download or not

    1. asible --version

How to work in ansible?

  1. Create a folder in c drive.

  2. All the required file such as, inventory file, playbook, vars file, jars put this folder.

  3. Open the terminal of ubuntu and go to this folder and run a command

    1. ansible-playbook -i <inventory file name with extension> <playbook file name with extension> -vvv

File details:

  1. Inventory file: The Ansible inventory file defines the hosts and groups of hosts upon which commands, modules, and tasks in a playbook operate. The inventory file have list of individual hosts or user-defined groups of hosts with their necessary credentials.

  2. Playbook file: Playbooks are the files where Ansible code is written. Playbooks are written in YAML format. Playbooks are one of the core features of Ansible and tell Ansible what to execute. They are like a to-do list for Ansible that contains a list of tasks. Playbooks contain the steps which the user wants to execute on a particular machine. Playbooks are run sequentially. Playbooks are the building blocks for all the use cases of Ansible.

Describe Inventory file:

all group contains every host. If we define group of host we need to add children then under children we need to defile group name.

in our case,

        ansible_ssh_user: user
        ansible_ssh_pass: BS-iBank**23**


web : it is the name of group where we place our hosts.

vars : we need to place all the credentials here.

  1. ansible_ssh_user: we need to place our username here, 'user' is our username of host.

  2. ansible_ssh_pass: we need to place our password here, 'BS-iBank**3#' is our password.

Describe playbook

hosts : in playbook, this group contains the name of host which come from inventory file and if we define the name it automatically configured from inventory file.

vars_files : we can separate our all variable in other files from playbook. This is the place where we incorporate our var files.

tasks : it contains list of tasks and execute it sequentially and each element has multiple properties differentiate it by the name property.

Playbook logic

First understand the contents of the entire playbook

  1. Get the name of the local jar package

  2. Upload to the server jar package, the best suffix of the jar package with version information, can be specified when maven is packaged

  3. Stop the original service

  4. Check if the original service is stopped, if not stopped, forcibly kill..

  5. Run the new jar package


1 . "get local file name": here we take all of our file details and store it in 'file_name'.

- name: get local file name
  local_action: shell ls /mnt/c/ansiblepractice/target/*.jar
  register: file_name
  tags: test0

2 . "print file names": here we debug our 'file_name' variable. it executes when failed property from file_name variable is false.

- name: print file names
  tags: test0
    var: file_name.stdout_lines
  when: not file_name.failed | bool

3 . Upload jar package to server from multiple location

- name: upload jar file to server
    - upload
    - test
    src: "{{ item.src }}"
    dest: "{{ item.dest }}"
    - "{{ file_sources }}"

4 . Get the pid of the last jar package running

- name: get pid of api
    - test
    - kill
  shell: "ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep {{ item }} | awk '{print $2}'"
  register: running_processes
  with_items: "{{services}}"

5 . kill running processes

- name: Kill running processes
  shell: "kill {{ item }}"
    - test1
    - kill
  with_items: "{{ running_processes.results | map(attribute='stdout_lines') | list }}"

6 . Wait for 60s, confirm whether the obtained pid stops running.

- name: Wait for 60s, confirm whether the obtained pid stops running
    path: "/proc/{{ item }}/status"
    state: absent
    timeout: 60
    - test
    - kill
  with_items: "{{ running_processes.results | map(attribute='stdout_lines') | list }}"
  ignore_errors: yes
  register: killed_processes

7 . Forced to kill, not stopped running process

- name: Force kill stuck processes
  shell: "kill -9 {{ item }}"
  with_items: "{{ killed_processes.results | select('failed') | map(attribute='item') | list }}"

8 . Checking jar file exist in a remote path and store into a register as an array

- name: "Checking files of a remote path"
    - execute
    - check
    paths: "{{ item.dest }}"
    pattern: "*.jar"
    file_type: file
    recurse: yes
  with_items: "{{ file_sources }}"
  register: jar_to_be_run

9 . Start jar with loop

- name: start api
  shell: "nohup java -jar {{ item.path }} &"
    - execute
    - start
  with_items: "{{ jar_to_be_run.results | map(attribute='files') | list }}"

Run Command

ansible-playbook -i inventory playbook.yml --tags="kill" -vvv



  1. Rezaul Hasan

  2. Dipanjal Maitra

  3. Nazim Uddin Asif

  4. Abdur Rahim Nsihad