
A redux middleware to handle loading states.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

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Redux State Loader

A redux middleware to handle loading states triggered through start and stop actions.

Why would I need this?

Ever wanted a loading indicator while you are fetching a large amount of data. Ever wanted to block a submit button from being clicked again after you have submitted a form. Then this is the solution for you. Instead of going through the hassle of maintaining loading states for your buttons and containers, redux-state-loader does it for you.

Getting started

The first step is to add redux-state-loader into your project.

npm install --save redux-state-loader

Note: The package itself has no dependencies but would be useless without Redux.

The next step is to register the middleware in the redux store.


import { reduxLoaderReducer, reduxLoaderMiddleware } from 'redux-state-loader';
import { applyMiddleware, createStore, compose, combineReducers } from 'redux';

const loaderMiddleware = reduxLoaderMiddleware();
const enhancer = compose(applyMiddleware(loaderMiddleware));

const reducer = combineReducers({
  reduxLoader: reduxLoaderReducer,
  // other reducers

const store = createStore(reducer, enhancer);

The reduxLoaderMiddleware function accepts a key that should be the same as the key used to add reduxLoaderReducer into combineReducers.

const loaderMiddleware = reduxLoaderMiddleware('myCustomLoader');
// Uses 'reduxLoader' by default

const reducer = combineReducers({
  myCustomLoader: reduxLoaderReducer,
  // other reducers


Redux loader provides a bunch of actions that can be used to manage the loading states.


You'll only really need REGISTER_LOADER and UNREGISTER_LOADER but other actions can also be used.

Also action creators.

  id: String,
  stopActions: Array,
  startActions: Array
}): Action

startLoading(id: String): Action

stopLoading(id: String): Action

unregisterLoader(id: String): Action

Start by importing the action creators.

import { reduxLoaderActions } from 'redux-state-loader';

Next register a loader by supplying a unique id, start actions and stop actions.

const registerAction = reduxLoaderActions.registerLoader({
  id: 'myLoader',
  startActions: ['TRIGGER_LOADING_ACTION'],

const unregisterAction = reduxLoaderActions.unregisterLoader('myLoader');

// Register a loader

Your redux state will look something like this. Redux Loader State

That's it. Now whenever a start action, eg. TRIGGER_LOADING_ACTION is dispatched, your registered loader, eg. myLoader will be set to true. Similarly, when either SUCCESS_ACTION or FAILURE_ACTION is dispatched, myLoader will be set to false.

You can subscribe to the loader using redux's subscribe method or using react-redux.

import { connect } from 'react-redux';

const Component = ({ myLoader: false }) =>
    {/* Other elements */}
      myLoader && <span>Loading...</span>

const mapStateToProps = state => ({
  myLoader: state.reduxLoader.loaders.myLoader,
  // Other props

const EnhancedComponent = connect(mapStateToProps)(Component);

You can also manually trigger loading using startLoading and stopLoading actions.

import { reduxLoaderActions } from 'redux-state-loader';

// Trigger loading of myLoader

// Stop loading of myLoader


Read the docs using this link.


To contribute, follow one of the two options:

  • Open an Issue

    Open an issue detailing:

    1. What the issue is
    2. Steps to reproduce
    3. Possible solutions

    Note: These details are recommended but are entirely optional.

  • Send a Pull Request

    Fork this project and send a pull request to the master branch.
