The following repo contains internship assignment for Edge Networks

Primary LanguageJava


The following repo contains internship assignment for Edge Networks

Technolgies used:- Maven, Guava, Collection, Swing.

Guidelines for running the project.

  1. Open Intellij/ Eclipse .
  2. Download this repo.
  3. Open as Maven project.
  4. Build project and run MainClass .

NOTE - If you are seaching for more than one technologies then use space to separate mutliple technlogies.

Classes Overview

Class Name Functionality
MainClass Flow of execution will start here
Add Job This Class adds job. Currently the input is processed from the file(JobDescrption.txt), direct addition of jobs will be made soon
SearchJob This class contains meathod SearchJobUtil which will use list of technologies and experience as and will rank the job which have more number of relevant technology higher
Pair A version of C++ STL Pair implemented in JAVA
FastReader For faster I/O

Few Screeshots


screenshot from 2018-11-15 10-39-25

screenshot from 2018-11-15 10-26-45