
Blockchain based Web-application which helps transferring legacy data and securely housing confidential information within smart contracts using Hyperledger Fabric and Solidity

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Truffle Steps

  • truffle init
  • Add Contracts to "contracts" folder
  • truffle compile
  • Add/Create migrations file
  • truffle migrate --network ganache


Remove-Item .\build\contracts\*
truffle compile
truffle migrate --network ganache

Change abi at 3 places: index.js, test.js, .env

remove public from superAdmin in solidity contarct

change network id in script (5777)



cd truffle

set correct network parameters in "truffle-config.js"

set deployer address in migration file for deploying contracts

run run-ganache.ps1 (it will start ganache test network)

run dep-mig-copy.ps1 (it will deploy the contract)

cd web/client

create .env file by taking the reference of .env.sample file (in the same folder where .env.sample is present)

*if you don't want to modify any file in web folder

npm start (it will copy the new abi and new contract address in public/contract_details.json file)

*if you want to modify files in web folder

npm run dev

After contract update

cd web

restart web server (it will copy the new abi and new contract address in public/contract_details.json file)