Honey Encryption: Honey encryption is type of encryption which lures the attacker. The term Honey in computer science means false resource. It is best for the cases where the password is weak. If the attacker uses brute force attack, then this technique will make difficult to guess that the password is correct or not. And the wrong guesses will generate the results that will appear to be genuine. For example, if an attacker make 1000 wrong attempts in guessing the credit card number, then he will get 1000 wrong fake credits card number. If honey encryption is used, the wrong guesses will generate results that will appear to be genuine and will confuse the attacker. To build a honey encryption scheme, we need a good statistical model of how the messages are selected by the sender. It is a type of encryption which makes it difficult for an attacker who used brute force attack to know the key. Brute force attack: In the world of Cyber crime, brute force attack is an activity which involves repetitive successive attempts of trying various password combinations to break into any website. This attempt is carried out vigorously by the hackers who also make use of bots they have installed maliciously in other computers to boost the computing power required to run such type of attacks. A Brute Force Attack is the simplest method to gain access to a site or server (or anything that is password protected). It tries various combinations of username and passwords again and again until it gets in. This repetitive action is like an army attacking a fort. A Brute Force Attack is the simplest method to gain access to a site or server (or anything that is password protected). It tries various combinations of username and passwords again and again until it gets in. This repetitive action is like an army attacking a fort. Steps: Enter a password that will be stored in the server. Enter a message or a word that you want to protect. Your password and the secret word will be stored in the machine. If a hacker tries brute force attack on your system, he will get the combination of passwords that will look real but won't be. For example, if your password in hello123, the attacker will get passwords like Hello123, Hell123, Hello122112, and so on. The chance of finding the right password will be very less.