Hi! I'm Amit Kumar, pursuing my graduation from IIIT Gwalior with a degree of IPG-MTech in Information Technology. I'm most passionate about solving real life problems through programming and I aim to pursue this passion in the field of software engineering. In my free time, I like to do Competitive Coding and to learn new algorithms.
- A pre-final year student | Graduating in 2023 from IIIT Gwalior
- Competitive Programmer , Full Stack Developer , DS-Algo Expert
- Currently learning MERN and Advance DS-Algo topics
- Programming Languages- C, C++, JavaScript, python
- For Frontend- Html, CSS, Java Script, JQuery, BootStrap, React
- For Backend- Express, NodeJs, MongoDB
- Others- Git, Heroku, Linux, Postman, VS Code, Atom
- 💬 Ask me about MERN and Data Structure...
- 📫 How to reach me khurjaamit@gmail.com
- For more information visit my portfolio