
Visualizing heap graphs using D3js

Primary LanguageJavaScript


These visualizations are part of the tool for oracle-guided heap invariant synthesis. We allow the user to create heap patterns that can be used as invariants in verification. All visualizations use d3.js. To try out the graph creator, follow these steps:

Get the code

First clone the git repo

$ git clone https://github.com/nishanttotla/Heap-Viz.git

This will create a new folder called heap-viz. Navigate to this folder for the next step.

Run a local HTTP server

d3.js needs a local server running. A simple server of your choice should work. For example, we'll set up a Python server, from within the heap-viz directory

$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000

You can edit the port number if necessary.

Start visualization

Open a web browser and go to http://localhost:8000/creator.html. If all went well, you should see something like this

Alt text

Now you're ready to create graphs!

Instructions for creating graphs

The interface allows you to create directed graphs, that represent heaps. Currently, we assume that each node is a location in memory, and has a single possible outgoing edge on the field next. The system also contains predefined predicates (p1 and p2 currently) and heap variables (x and y currently) whose values can be updated. Here's a list of possible interactions.

  • Click anywhere on empty space to create a new node.
  • Drag the mouse pointer from one node to another to create a directed edge between them.
  • Click on an existing node to select it (it will appear brighter).
  • Press R after selecting a node to add/remove a reflexive edge.
  • Click on an edge to select it (appears dotted). A newly created edge is selected by default.
  • Press delete or backspace to remove a selected node/edge.

The following interactions allow for setting of verification related properties of nodes and edges.

  • In the form at the top, choose a predicate to display current assignments of the selected predicate for each node. This is displayed as the node color, and indicates True (green), False (red), or Maybe(pink) values.
    • These values can be updated using the same form, which works once a node has been selected.
    • Possible values are t, f, and m. Input is currently not validated, so entering anything else might crash the visualization.
  • For a given heap variable and selected node, possible assignments can be True, False, or Maybe. These are indicated as labels on nodes, and are updated using the relevant form at the top.
    • Possible values are t, f, and m. Input is currently not validated, so entering anything else might crash the visualization.
    • A heap variable can be True for at most one node, and the system enforces this.
  • Select an edge and press M to toggle between Maybe and True edges. Edges that don't exist are (implicitly) False.
    • Since we only have one outgoing field (next) right now, each node can have a single outgoing True edge. The system enforces this constraint.
    • True edges are green and Maybe edges pink.
  • Select a node and press S to toggle between summary and non-summary nodes. Summary nodes appear larger and default nodes are non-summary.

Yet to come

Missing features and bugs are tracked on the issues page: https://github.com/nishanttotla/Heap-Viz/issues. Please feel free to report problems. In particular, the following key features are still pending

  • Add a default NULL node that users can't delete (Issue #13)
  • Allow multiple fields for a single node (next, prev etc.)
  • Export graphs using dotfiles, to interface with the Impact algorithm (Issue #9)