
GitHub Pop Up Info: Customize this web app with ease. Display informative pop-up notifications with personalized backgrounds, font colors, and icons. Engage users with attention-grabbing messages. Responsive and easy to integrate into any project. Enhance your web app with this versatile notification system.

Primary LanguageCSS


NK Codes💛 - Popup info


GitHub Pop Up Info: Customize this web app with ease. Display informative pop-up notifications with personalized backgrounds, font colors, and icons. Engage users with attention-grabbing messages. Responsive and easy to integrate into any project. Enhance your web app with this versatile notification system.



Live Demo:


Getting Started

A customizable web application for displaying informative pop-up notifications. Easily modify the background image, font color, and icons to match your preferences. Follow these steps to utilize the code:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.

  2. Open the project in your preferred code editor.

  3. Customize the HTML, CSS, or JavaScript files to tailor the pop-up design.

  4. Utilize the openPopUp() function to trigger the pop-up notification.

  5. Implement the closePopUp() function to dismiss the notification.

Enhance user experience by providing informative messages in an eye-catching pop-up format.


  1. User-friendly pop-up notification for displaying important information.

  2. Easy customization of background image, font color, and icons.

  3. Responsive design to adapt to different screen sizes.

  4. Smooth animation for pop-up display and dismissal.

  5. Utilizes Google Fonts for improved typography.

  6. Simple integration into existing web applications or projects.

  7. Straightforward code structure for easy modification and extension.

Deployment Status

Netlify Status


Contributions are always welcome!

If you have any suggestions, improvements, or bug fixes, feel free to submit a pull request. Please ensure that your contributions align with the overall design and goals of the website.

🔗 Links

For any questions or inquiries, please feel free to reach out.

NK :




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