
Slate is, well, a simple slate, helps me to draw/jot logic(s) while coding.

Primary LanguageJava


Version 1.1


  • Added keyboard shortcuts.
    • w for color white.
    • b for color blue.
    • o for color orange.
    • y for color yellow.
    • g for color green/lime
    • Shift + W for Wiper.
    • Shift + C to clear canvas.
    • 1 for decrementation of brush size in steps of 1px.
    • 2 for incrementation of brush size in steps of 1px.
    • 3 for going back to default brush size (3px).
    • Shift + 1 for decrementation of brush size in steps of 5px.
    • Shift + 2 for incrementation of brush size in steps of 5px.
  • Added label to show brush size corresponding with the brush size slider value.
  • Added label to show current selected tool, next to the brush size label.
  • Clear function no longer reverts the brush color back to default lime color, instead remembers the last used color.

version 1 1

Version 1.0


  • Added support for changing brush size using a slider.
  • Added eraser(wiper) functionality.
  • Updated Color Buttons -> No longer colored words, shows the color instead.

Slate Updated

Initial Release

Screenshot (605)