Project repository for BU MET CS 673, Software Engineering

Primary LanguageHTML

Final Project, MET CS 673

Last modified Spring 2017.

These instructions may be followed on any Unix-like system, including OS X.

Getting started with Docker

install docker pull the image to your local machine: docker pull danbudris/bu_met_cs673

run the container: docker run -d --name=cs673.test -p 8000:8000 -p 80:80 -p 3000:3000 danbudris/bu_met_cs673:latest

Start the JS server for chat application: Connect to the container: docker exec -it cs673.test bash Start the server: cd /root/g1/source/group1/communication/node && node main.js

Connect to the server on or to the admin console on Username: admin Password: pass

Getting started with Virtual Machine

Install Oracle Virtual Box (https://www.virtualbox.org/) Download the virtual machine file from google drive Team 4 directory named 'CS673_linux_mint_18.2.ova' Double click the file which will open it up on oracle virtual box. Keep on clicking next to import it into the oracle software. Once its imported successfully, start it. Username: metcs673 Password: metcs673

Open terminal and type the following commands:

cd ~/BU_MET_CS673/
source venv/bin/activate

You will know when your virtualenv is 'active' when your terminal looks something like this:

(venv) $ <----terminal prompt contains the name of your virtualenv in paranthesis
e.g.: (venv) cs673@ubuntu:/home/BU_MET_CS673$ 

Now start the server python group1/manage.py runserver

Now start another terminal and run these commands:

cd ~/BU_MET_CS673/group1/communication/node
node main.js

Now just hit this URL on a browser (

There is a superuser already created with Username:admin Password:admin who can handle the user rights stuff.

Getting started

First, clone this repo and checkout your Team's respective master branch. You may use sudo if permission denied:

For Team 2:
$ git clone https://github.com/CS673S17-Team-2/Final_Project.git
$ git checkout develop

For Team 3:
$ git clone https://github.com/CS673S17-Team-3/Final_Project.git
(In your Final_Project folder:)
$ git init
$ git checkout master

$ cd Final_Project

Create a Python virtualenv in a venv directory and activate it:

$ virtualenv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate

You will know when your virtualenv is 'active' when your terminal looks something like this:

(venv) $ <----terminal prompt contains the name of your virtualenv in paranthesis
e.g.: (venv) cs673@ubuntu:/home/Final_Project$ 

Install the Python requirements using pip:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Create the database:

$ mkdir Final_Project/database
$ python manage.py makemigrations
$ python manage.py migrate

Create an admin user for use with Django and the project management applications, e.g. username: admin, password admin.

$ python manage.py createsuperuser

Now start the server:

$ python manage.py runserver

You should see a message telling you the server is running at Open this URL in a browser. This is the Django backend for the project management application. It handles both the browser-based interface and the RESTful RPC backend used by the chat application.

If you'd like to use the chat application, you'll need to create a default chat channel and start the Node service to handle passing websocket messages between the browser interface and the Django backend.

To create a channel without starting the web interface, use curl:

$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"name":"Test","description":"Test team","public":true}' http://localhost:8000/api/rooms/

Prepare the Node server by making sure all your node modules are up-to-date:

$ cd Final_Project/group1/communication/node
$ sudo apt install nodejs-legacy
$ npm install morgan
$ node main.js

Then you can start the Node server:

$ node main.js

You should now be able to open the chat application on your location server in your browser and log in as superuser to use chat.

Previous documentation


note: follow the commands under deploy_tools serverInstallcommands.sh (not tested as an executable shell script)
note: must have fabric installed (on windows this will require a manual installation (setup_py) of pycrypto first, you may find pre-compiled windows binaries here (http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/modules.shtml#pycrypto)
change directory to where deploy_tools is on your local computer - this script is deployed from your local computer to the server

cd /c/g1/source/deploy_tools

note: must activate virtualenv with fabric (you may have fabric installed on your path python, and not require a virtualenv)
run the fabfile.py script with the following command to upload the project from origin/master to the specified server

fab deploy:host=pgmvt@dev.3blueprints.com