
IBM Maximo Asset Management V7.6.1 with WebSphere Liberty Docker Repository

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Docker images for IBM Maximo Asset Management V7.6.1 with Liberty.

Maximo with Liberty on Docker enables to run Maximo Asset Management with WebSphere Liberty on Docker. The images are deployed fine-grained services instead of a single instance. The following instructions describe how to set up IBM Maximo Asset Management V7.6 Docker images. These images consist of several components e.g. WebSphere Liberty, Db2, and Maximo installation program.

Before you start, learn more about Maximo WebSphere Liberty support from the official documentation. Maximo Asset Management 7.6.1 WebSphere Liberty Support

Componets of Docker Images

Required packages.

  • IBM Installation Manager binaries from Installation Manager 1.8 download documents

    IBM Enterprise Deployment (formerly known as IBM Installation Manager) binaries:

    • IED_V1.8.8_Wins_Linux_86.zip
  • IBM Maximo Asset Management V7.6.1 binaries from Passport Advantage

    IBM Maximo Asset Management V7.6.1 binaries:

    • MAM_7.6.1_LINUX64.tar.gz

    IBM WebSphere Liberty Network Deployment license V9 binaries:

    • wlp-nd-license.jar

    IBM Db2 Advanced Workgroup Edition V11.1 binaries:

    • DB2_AWSE_REST_Svr_11.1_Lnx_86-64.tar.gz
  • Feature Pack/Fix Pack binaries from Fix Central

    IBM Maximo Asset Management V7.6.1 Feature pack 2 binary:

    • MAMMTFP7612IMRepo.zip

    IBM Db2 Server V11.1 Fix Pack 5

    • v11.1.4fp5_linuxx64_server_t.tar.gz

Building IBM Maximo Asset Management V7.6.1 with Liberty image by using a build tool.

You can use a tool for building docker images by using the build tool.


Usage: build.sh [OPTIONS]

Build Maximo Docker containers.

-r  | --remove                    Remove images when an image exists in repository.
-R  | --remove-only               Remove images without building when an image exists in repository.
-rt | --remove-latest-tag         Do not add the "letest" tag to the built images.
-c  | --use-custom-image          Build a custom image for Maximo installation container.
-v  | --verbose                   Show detailed output of the docker build.
-p  | --prune                     Remove intermediate multi-stage builds automatically.
-s  | --skip-db                   Skip building and removing a DB image.
-i  | --preserve-image-container  Do not remove and recreate an installation image container.
--deploy-db-on-runtime            Deploy the Maximo database on runtime.
--push-registry=REGISTRY_URL      Push the built images to a specified remote Docker registry.
--namespace=NAMESPACE             Specify the namespace of the Docker images (default: maximo-liberty).
-h  | --help                      Show this help text.


  1. Clone this repository

    git clone https://github.com/nishi2go/maximo-liberty-docker.git
  2. Place the downloaded Maximo, IBM Db2, IBM Installation Manager and IBM WebSphere Liberty License binaries into the maximo-liberty-docker/images directory.

    > cd maximo-liberty-docker
    > ls -l images
  3. Run the build tool

    bash build.sh [-r] [-v] [-c] [-rt] [-p] [-i]


    bash build.sh -r -v -rt -p

    Note: This script works on Windows Subsystem on Linux.

  4. Edit docker-compose.yml to enable optional services e.g. maximo-api, maximo-report and etc.

  5. Run containers by using the Docker Compose file to create and deploy instances:

    docker-compose up -d

    To scale servers with the docker-compose --scale option:

    docker-compose up -d --scale maximo-ui=2
  6. Make sure to be accessible to Maximo login page: http://hostname/maximo

How to deploy Maximo on Kuberenetes

See the Maximo on Kubernetes document.

How to use a custom build image.

To install industry solutions e.g. Oil & Gas, Service Providers and the other offerings, you can use a custom Maximo dockerfile which aims to extend the original Maximo installation container. A sample script custom/Dockerfile allows to run IBM Installation Manager, unzip Interim Fixes and/or etc at a build time. You can find a Maximo for Oil & Gas sample in the dockerfile. Please uncomment the section in the file to install the Maximo for Oil & Gas V7.6.1 onto Maximo Asset Management V7.6.1.2.

Sample steps to install Maximo for Oil and Gas Industry Solution.

  1. Uncomment the installation section in custom/Dockerfile.
    RUN mkdir /work/oag
    WORKDIR /work/oag
    RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y unzip && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
    COPY --from=0 /images/Max_Oil_and_Gas_761.zip /work/oag/
    RUN unzip Max_Oil_and_Gas_761.zip && unzip oilandgas_7.6.1_launchpad.zip \
      && /opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse/tools/imcl install com.ibm.tivoli.tpae.IS.OilAndGas \
    -repositories /work/oag/OilAndGasInstallerRepository.zip \
    -installationDirectory /opt/IBM/SMP -acceptLicense && rm -rf /work/oag/*
    COPY --from=0 /images/OG7610_ifixes.20200316-0706.zip /work/oag/
    RUN unzip -o OG7610_ifixes.20200316-0706.zip -d /opt/IBM/SMP/maximo/ && rm -rf /work/oag/*
  2. Put the installation image, e.g. Max_Oil_and_Gas_761.zip and OG7610_ifixes.20200316-0706.zip, to the images directory.
  3. Run the build command with -c or --use-custom-image option.
    build.sh -c -p -rt

Customize your environment.

In order to install a second language, deploy demo data or change default passwords, edit the build.args and .env file before building the container images. The following parameters are available by default.


# Deploy DB schema on build.
# Enable and build the JMS services.
# Update Installation Manager to the latest level.


# Default passwords
# Liberty admin user
# Language installation
# Default e-mail configurations
# Skin
# Install the demo data

Enable LDAP/AD support

Maximo has supported LDAP and MS AD to authenticate users a.k.a. Application Server Secuirty on Liberty servers. IBM published the detailed instruction here. Maximo on Docker has an automated setup feature to enable it.

Edit the following lines in .env. If you want to enable MS Active Directory or any other directory services, edit the maximo/ldapUserRegistry.xml. Then build container images.


Uncomment the following lines in docker-compose.yml when you want to run a LDAP server inside the container environment. To change the default passwords, edit the ldap/maximo.ldif file before running the docker-compose.

  image: osixia/openldap:1.5.0
  hostname: "${ENV_LDAP_HOST_NAME}"
  command: --loglevel debug
    - LDAP_LOG_LEVEL=256
    - LDAP_RFC2307BIS_SCHEMA=false
    - LDAP_BACKEND=mdb
    - LDAP_TLS=false
    - /var/lib/ldap
    - /etc/ldap/slapd.d
    - /container/service/slapd/assets/certs/
    - ./ldap:/container/service/slapd/assets/config/bootstrap/ldif/custom
    - backend

Database deployment on build vs. on runtime.

The database deployment a.k.a maxinst and updatedb will be executed on the docker build time by default. It reduces to the initial start-up time, but longer the build time. When you want to switch the behavior to deploy the database schema on runtime, run the following procedures before building the images.

Procedures to switch deploy database schemas on runtime.

  1. Uncomment the all volumes sections in docker-compose.yml.

  2. Uncomment the maximo section in docker-compose.yml.

  3. Run the build command with --deploy-db-on-runtime or change deploy_db_on_build to no in build.args then run the build.sh command.


    bash build.sh -r -v -rt -p --deploy-db-on-runtime
  4. Change the values of ENV_GEN_MAXIMO_PROPERTIES to no in .env

Skip running the maxinst program using a Db2 backup image at the Docker build.

Maxinst program supports to initialize and create a Maximo database that is called during the "deployConfiguration" process in the Maximo installer. This process is painfully slow because it creates more than a thousand tables from scratch. To skip the process, you can use a backup database image to restore during the build time in a maxdb container image.


  1. Move to the cloned directory.
    cd maximo-liberty-docker
  2. Make a backup directory.
    mkdir ./images/backup
  3. Place your backup image to the above directory.
  4. Build container images by using the build tool.

Building IBM Maximo Asset Management V7.6 images with an Oracle Database Container by using build tool

Oracle database containers are officially provided by Oracle from the repository. You can run the Maximo on Docker on top of Oracle Container. Currently, the supported installation process is database deployment on runtime only.


  • An Oracle Database containar or any on-premise instance must be prepared before running docker-compose command.
  1. Follow the guide from the repo to create an Oracle Database container.

  2. Clone this repository

    git clone https://github.com/nishi2go/maximo-liberty-docker.git
  3. Place the downloaded Maximo, IBM Db2, IBM Installation Manager and IBM WebSphere Liberty License binaries into the maximo-liberty-docker/images directory.

    > cd maximo-liberty-docker
    > ls -l images
  4. Run the build tool Example:

    bash build.sh -r -v -c -rt --skip-db

    Note: This script works on Windows Subsystem on Linux.

  5. Uncomment the all volumes sections in docker-compose.ora.yml.

  6. Edit docker-compose.ora.yml to enable optional servers e.g. maximo-api, maximo-report and etc.

  7. Run the Oracle container by using the Docker Compose file to create and deploy the database instance first:

    docker-compose -f docker-compose.ora.yml up -d maxdb

    Wait until the text "DATABASE IS READY TO USE!" is shown in the logs.

    docker-compose -f docker-compose.ora.yml logs -f maxdb
  8. Run the Maximo container to deploy the database schema to Oracle database.

    docker-compose -f docker-compose.ora.yml up -d maximo

    Wait until the text "CTGIN5012I: The reconfiguration action updateApplicationDBLite completed successfully." is shown in the logs.

    docker-compose -f docker-compose.ora.yml logs -f maximo

    Note: It will take 3-4 hours (depend on your machine spec) to complete the installation.

  9. Run the all other containers:

    docker-compose -f docker-compose.ora.yml up -d

    To scale servers with the docker-compose --scale option.

    docker-compose -f docker-compose.ora.yml up -d --scale maximo-ui=2
  10. Make sure to be accessible to Maximo login page: http://hostname/maximo

Restore the database during starting up the maxdb container by using a Db2 backup image.

When you want to restore your database backup image on runtime, run the following procedures.


  1. Build container images first (follow above instructions)
  2. Move to the cloned directory.
    cd maximo-liberty-docker
  3. Make a backup directory.
    mkdir ./backup
  4. Uncomment the following volume configuration in docker-compose.yml.
        - type: bind
          source: ./backup
          target: /backup
  5. Run containers by using the Docker Compose file. (follow the above instructions)

Take a backup database from a running container.

You can take a backup from the maxdb container by using a backup tool.

docker-compose exec maxdb /work/db2/backup.sh maxdb76 /backup

Note: There must be one file in the directory. The restore task will fail when more than two images in it.