
Cannot see any of the maximo tables after successful maxinst during build

hrfaria opened this issue · 1 comments

I cannot see any of the maximo tables as user maximo and connection to database fails as follows: "MAXIMO.MAXVARS" is an undefined name.. SQLCODE=-204, SQLSTATE=42704, DRIVER=4.26.14

I created a simple script to run off a separate container (for some reason I cannot run db2 on the db2 container, I get this annoying "SQL6031N Error in the db2nodes.cfg file" every time which makes troubleshooting extremely painful) and I can see all tables but the maximo ones. It's either due to maximo not having access to the maximo tables (?) or the tables are simply not there. I see a successful maxinst message which makes me think the tables have been created - process took several hours:

BMXAA6820I - Maxinst completed without errors. Mon May 30 05:31:35 GMT 2022



OK I figured out the db2 command line issue on the container. You have to source the db2profile script before running it like so:

. /home/ctginst1/sqllib/db2profile

I connected to maxdb76 as maximo and ctginst1 and the maximo tables are nowhere to be found even though the build process took several hours to run maxinst. I'm wondering where it put all the maximo tables... the logs just say:

#32 62.23 CTGIN5372I: Running the maxinst task to create the database. This task can take an extended period of time to complete, based upon your environment.
#32 10905.0 CTGIN2079I: Process automation engine database configuration completed successfully.
#32 10932.6 CTGIN2380I: Maximo Database upgrade is successful.