
Vim Plugin for enhance to increment candidates U have defined.

Primary LanguageVim ScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status MIT Licensed

v:version >= 702 nvim --version >= 0.1.7 Script Type: Utility

The Vim powerful increment plugin

The behavior is like <C-a>, <C-x> increment or decrement number by the default Vim

It has been enhanced to allow increment the list that you have defined

SnapShot - IncrementActivator.vim


Using dein.vim

call dein#add('nishigori/increment-activator')

If you hope to do other approach, Please read more Documentation


Kay map

On Normal-mode, This plugin defines the following key mapping automatically <C-a> & <C-x>

If you don't want there key mappings, please write on vimrc

let g:increment_activator_no_default_key_mappings = 1

" e.g) Original key mappings
nmap ab <Plug>(increment-activator-increment)
nmap az <Plug>(increment-activator-decrement)

If you want to be enabled to other mode(), please define map like this.

" Be enabled on insert-mode
imap <silent> <C-a> <Plug>(increment-activator-increment)
imap <silent> <C-x> <Plug>(increment-activator-decrement)

Case of candidates for increment

The list will be generated in candidates patterns automatically

  • no changes
  • lower
  • Capitalize

Default list defined by plugin

  • yes/no
  • on/off
  • true/false
  • weekday (sunday <-> monday <-> wednesday <- ... -> saturday <-> sunday)
  • weekday-shorten (sun <-> mon <- ... -> sat <-> sun)
  • month (january <-> february <- ... -> december <-> january)
  • month-shorten (jan <-> feb <- ... -> dec <-> jan)

If you want to disable default candidates, puts on vimrc

let g:increment_activator_no_default_candidates = 1


You can define original list for increment / decrement :)

Type of g:increment_activator_filetype_candidates is dict. each key is Vim's filetype.

The candidates for priority is -

  1. Current filetype (&filetype)
  2. _ key (_ is special as apply to all filetypes)
  3. number by default Vim

Example $MYVIMRC:

let g:increment_activator_filetype_candidates = {
  \   '_' : [
  \     ['Pythonista', 'PHPer', 'Gopher'],
  \     ['ぬるぽ', 'ガッ'],
  \     ['info', 'warning', 'notice', 'error'],
  \   ],
  \   'cucumber': [
  \     ['Given', 'And', 'When', 'Then'],
  \   ],
  \   'erlang': [
  \     ['module', 'export'],
  \     [
  \       'is_alive', 'is_atom', 'is_binary', 'is_bitstring',
  \       'is_boolean', 'is_float', 'is_function',
  \       'is_integer', 'is_list', 'is_number',
  \       'is_pid', 'is_port', 'is_process_alive',
  \       'is_record', 'is_reference', 'is_tuple',
  \     ],
  \   ],
  \   'git-rebase-todo': [
  \     ['pick', 'reword', 'edit', 'squash', 'fixup', 'exec'],
  \   ],
  \   'go': [
  \     ['true', 'false', 'iota', 'nil'],
  \     ['byte', 'complex64', 'complex128'],
  \     ['int', 'int8', 'int16', 'int32', 'int64'],
  \     ['uint', 'uint8', 'uint16', 'uint32', 'uint64'],
  \     ['float32', 'float64'],
  \     ['interface', 'struct'],
  \   ],
  \ }

More than, Please read Documentation
