
PHP Dictionary for vim, forked and mantenanced from http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=534


This is not a script, but a building stone for a script. Although of minor significance, it may be useful to someone.

Learn about the use of dictionaries in general and you will - as a PHP programmer - be able to use this.

It's forked original plugin that a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=534

What differense to original plugin ?

  • It's Maintenanced for the PHP latest version
  • It's be Easy installation using plugin manager (dein.vim, vundle, vim-pathogen, ...)


Using dein.vim

for master as PHP latest Version

" Prepare Instalattion:
"   1. curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Shougo/dein.vim/master/bin/installer.sh > installer.sh
"   1. sh ./installer.sh {specify the installation directory}

" Edit your .vimrc like this.
if &compatible
  set nocompatible
set runtimepath+={path to dein.vim directory}

if dein#load_state({path to plugin base path directory})
  call dein#begin({path to plugin base path directory})

  call dein#add('nishigori/vim-php-dictionary', {'on_ft': 'php'})

  call dein#end()
  call dein#save_state()

filetype plugin indent on
syntax enable

" Open vim and install dein
" :call dein#install()

Specified PHP version (either one):

" For PHP-7.1
call dein#add('nishigori/vim-php-dictionary', {'on_ft': 'php', 'rev': 'php7.1'})
" For PHP-7.0
call dein#add('nishigori/vim-php-dictionary', {'on_ft': 'php', 'rev': 'php7.0'})
" For PHP-5.6
call dein#add('nishigori/vim-php-dictionary', {'on_ft': 'php', 'rev': 'php5.6'})
" For PHP-5.5
call dein#add('nishigori/vim-php-dictionary', {'on_ft': 'php', 'rev': 'php5.5'})
" For PHP-5.4
call dein#add('nishigori/vim-php-dictionary', {'on_ft': 'php', 'rev': 'php5.4'})
" For PHP-5.3
call dein#add('nishigori/vim-php-dictionary', {'on_ft': 'php', 'rev': 'php5.3'})

Using vim-pathogen

git clone git://github.com/nishigori/vim-php-dictionary.git ~/.vim/bundle/vim-php-dictionary
cd ~/.vim/bundle/vim-php-dictionary
git checkout -b ${PHP_VERSION_U_WANT} origin/${PHP_VERSION_U_WANT}