
Andela Developer Challenge

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Teamwork: Andela Developer Challenge

Maintainability Build Status Coverage Status

Table of contents

General Info

Teamwork is an internal social network for organizations’ employees. The goal of this application is to facilitate more interaction between colleagues and facilitate team bonding.

Technologies Used

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • NodeJS
  • Express
  • ES6


  • clone the repository using git clone https://github.com/kwizeraelvis/teamwork.git
  • Move into project directory using cd teamwork
  • Install neccesary packages using npm install
  • Build the source using npm run build
  • Start the server using npm run start
  • Interface the API using postman or any other http client


  • User can create an account
  • User can login
  • User can post/create an article
  • User can update his/her article
  • User can delete his/her article
  • User can view all available articles on the platform


Endpoint Method Functionalities
/auth/signup POST Create user account
/auth/signin POST Sigin into account
/articles POST Create a new article
/article/:article_id PUT Edit a particular article
/articles/:article_id DELETE Delete an article
/feeds GET Get all available articles
/feed/me GET Get all the articles for the current user
/articles/:articleId/comments POST Create/Post a comment


The API documentation can be found at : https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/5540374/SVfWMRjc


The UI Templates can be found at : https://kwizeraelvis.github.io/teamwork/UI


The project is stalled


  1. Rukundo Eric
  2. Amily Kasim


License: MIT

  • Copyright (c) Kwizera Aime Elvis