Realtime geofencing update using Nest.js, Pusher and GoogleMaps API

This project contains the source code for the demo of a realtime location aware application with geofencing updates.

View tutorial

Screenshot of the demo:

Geofencing Nest.js Demo

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


  • Install Node on your machine: Ensure that you have Node and npm or Yarn installed on your machine. To install Node and npm on your machine, see the Node download page. If you prefer using Yarn as your package manager to using npm, you can get Yarn here.

  • Create a Pusher application: Create a new application on your Pusher Dashboard to get your app credentials.

  • Create a GoogleMaps application: Register a new app project on the Google API Console and get a Google API key. Follow this quick guide to register your Maps app and get your API credentials.

Setup Instructions

Clone the repository

$ git clone

Change directory

$ cd nest-geofencing

Install dependencies

$ npm install

Built With

  • Nest.js - A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient and scalable server-side applications.
  • Vue.js - A progressive JavaScript Framework.
  • Pusher - A Node.js client to interact with the Pusher REST API
  • GoogleMaps API - GoogleMaps JavaScript API provides utilities that make it possible to add interactive and customizable maps to web apps.