
A cloudinary direct call API utility which can help you upload images , videos and audio file . :fire:

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Cloudirect - cloudinary direct caller for uploading files .

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What is this thing ?

A cloudinary direct call API utility which can help you upload images , videos and audio file . More options will be added in the future along with support and examples for multiple frameworks .

The package was created to simplify the process of uploading file to cloudinary. You can upload image, video / .mp4 and audio / .mp3 files via this .

This package can even work with multiple platforms . You can use Express js in the backend and use cloudinary-direct to upload packages , requires Multer middleware . You can use React-Dropzone in the frontend .


Installing this package is very easy , it has very few dependency .

Install with yarn .

yarn add cloudinary-direct

Install with npm .

npm i cloudinary-direct --save

How to use ?

It has four properties for authentication . cloudName Which you can find in your cloudinary console / dashboard api_key Which you can find in your cloudinary console / dashboard . For uploading file . api_secret Which you can also find in your cloudinary console / dashboard . For uploading file . upload_preset Which you can find in your cloudinary settings .

Example for auth

const Cloud = require("cloudinary-direct");
  cloudName: "your_cloudname",
  api_key: "your_api_key",
  api_secret: "your_api_secret"


Here are the functions that will provide you the power to upload files of different types.

// file[0] was retrieved from React DropZone , req.files fro express.js
// For image uploading
Cloud.imageUploader(file[0], (resp)=> {
  const imageURL = resp.secure_url;
  // Save that url in the database

// For audio / .mp3 file uploading
Cloud.audioUploader(file[0], (resp)=> {
  const audioURL = resp.secure_url;
  // Save that url in the database

// For video / .mp4 file uploading
Cloud.videoUploader(file[0], (resp)=> {
  const videoURL = resp.secure_url;
  // Save that url in the database

You can choose which file to upload . This package will upload your file but it can't handle http/multipart . So you need to use React-Dropzone for react . The examples are shown in them . There is also a HOC -> High Order Component , you can use that as well .

Image Uploading :

Express js and multer:

Here is an example with express js and multer . Multer is the mostly used for uploading files and handling all the http/multipart . Here is an example express and multer with cloudinary direct :

const express = require("express");
const multer = require("multer");
const Cloud = require("cloudinary-direct");

const app = express();

const storage = multer.diskStorage({
  destination: './userUploads/',
  filename: function(req, file, cb){
    cb(null,file.fieldname + '-' + Date.now() + path.extname(file.originalname));

// Init Upload
const upload = multer({
  storage: storage,
  limits:{fileSize: 1000000},

app.post('/photo/upload', function(req, res){
  upload(req, res, function(){
      cloudName: "your_cloudname",
      api_key: "your_api_key",
      api_secret: "your_api_secret",
      upload_preset: "your_upload_preset"
    Cloud.express.uploadViaMulter(req, function(result){

React js with react dropzone

Here is an example with React . Cloudniary direct can be used both in frontend frameworks and backend frameworks . I am using react dropzone for handling upload .

Note that upload_preset is needed for frontend usage .

import React from 'react';
import Cloud from 'cloudniary-direct';
import DropZone from 'react-dropzone';

class Sender extends React.Component{
    this.handler = this.handler.bind(this);
      cloudName: "your_cloudname",
      api_key: "your_api_key",
      api_secret: "your_api_secret",
      upload_preset: "your_upload_preset"
    Cloud.imageUploader(file[0], (resp)=> {
      const imageURL = resp.secure_url;
      // Save that url in the database
    return (
        <DropZone onDrop={this.handler} />

More support will come in the future . I will try to implement features like async await for more faster and better response .