
Primary LanguageC++


A JNI Wasm3 wrapper for Kotlin/Android.


let wasmModuleByteArray = context.assets.open("module.wasm")
let result = KWasm3.builder()
    .withBinaryModule("module", wasmModuleByteArray)
    .withHostFunction<Int, Int>("env", "myImportedFunction"){ p1 -> p1 }



  • Android Studio
  • Android NDK (Installable through the Android SDK Manager)
  • Rust (wasm32-unknown-unknown target) - Optional to compile WASM modules for tests


  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Open Android Studio, and Choose "New Project from Existing Sources"
  3. Open the KWasm3 directory you cloned earlier
  4. Run the setup script to download and place WASM3 source in the correct folder to link against
    $ ./scripts/setup.sh
  5. Build the project or run tests in the library module


  • Bind host functions to wasm3
  • Exported functions API return values
  • Generify native project for use on the JVM and Android
  • Bind imported memory to WASM3
  • Expose Wasm3 Memory to host functions
  • API to access exported memory through host functions
  • Higher order type conversions (Strings etc...)
