
This project explains "prompt engineering," a key technique for guiding AI models to desired outputs in tools like chatbots and text summarizers. It highlights the importance of clear instructions and techniques like CoT Prompting for effective communication with large language models. The project also introduces the Langchain library✨.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

IBMSkillsNetwork GPXX0TGVEN - The Art of Prompt Engineering🌈🪄


Cognitive Class AI - Sina Nazeri (PhD.)💎

Mentee Assignment📝📂

Task for Mentee from IBM Academy Advance AI Mentor @ Infinite Learning Course🎓

Completed Course: Practice Python Project Course The Art of Prompt Engineering Using LLM from CognitiveClass.ai🔭🛸

Mentee Info✨

Name: Nisrina Ishmah Mahira🧕

Program: IBM Academy - Advance Al [Kampus Merdeka Batch 6 Tahun 2024]🏫🎉

Tech Stack💻

  • Jupyter Notebook