
Demo container app showcasing dapr

Primary LanguageC#


Demo container app showcasing Dapr in both Go lang, .NET and Java. The app showcase an app that service transactions on a bank credit account where the order is important. The purpose is to show how to use Dapr to build a portable app that can run on any cloud provider. It also shows how to monitor the application with OpenTelemetry and the OpenTelemetry Collector.


  • .NET 8 SDK
  • Azure Cli
  • Docker
  • Dapr Cli (1.12 or higher)
  • Go SDK (not needed if you only build the container)
  • Java SDK (not needed if you only build the container)

Running the app locally

Quick start with Dapr CLI

To run the app locally with the regular sdks (.NET, GoLang, Java) you can run Dapr multi-run. This will use the Redis instance supplyed by dapr init to store state and pub/sub messages.

dapr run -f .

Build and run with .NET Aspire

.NET Aspire is a framework for building distributed applications. It is built to be .NET first and helps you run distributed applications locally and in the cloud. It this repo we use it together with Dapr to get a complete debugging friendly and observable experience.

To run it we must build the non .NET apis first:

docker build -t interest-rate-api:1.0 ./src/go/interest-rate-api
docker build -t currency-rate-api:1.0 ./src/java/currency-rate-api

Then run the app with Aspire using your dotnet tool of choice:

  • At least Visual Studio 2022 17.9.0 Preview 3.0
  • Jetbrains Rider with Aspire plugin
  • Visual Studio Code with dotnet run

Build and run with docker-compose

Then build the images and run the containers with Docker compose:

docker-compose build
docker-compose up

To stop the containers:

docker-compose down

Local observability

In the docker compose environment, the OpenTelemetry Collector acts as the hub for all telemetry. The collector is configured to forward telemetry to Zipkin, Prometheus and Seq. All running locally in Docker containers.

Use Application Insights locally

If you want to configure the apps to send directly to Application Insights, create a .env file with the following content:

APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_CONNECTION_STRING=<your app insights connection string>

For java container (currency-rate-api) you also need to switch to the Application Insights agent in the compose file. Switch from this:

JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: "-javaagent:opentelemetry-javaagent.jar"
OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES: "application=currency-rate-api,team=team java"
# JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: "-javaagent:applicationinsights-agent-3.4.17.jar"

To this:

#JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: "-javaagent:opentelemetry-javaagent.jar"
#OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES: "application=currency-rate-api,team=team java"
JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: "-javaagent:applicationinsights-agent-3.4.17.jar"

Publish to Azure

This demo can be published to either Azure Container Apps or Azure Kubernetes Service. The following sections describe how to publish to each of these services.

Deploy to Azure Container Apps

Build and publish the containers to Azure Container Registry

az acr build --registry $ENV:ACR --image credits/credit-api:0.1 src/dotnet/credit-api/.
az acr build --registry $ENV:ACR --image credits/booking-processor:0.1 src/dotnet/booking-processor/.
az acr build --registry $ENV:ACR --image credits/interest-rate-api:0.1 src/go/interest-rate-api/.
az acr build --registry $ENV:ACR --image credits/currency-rate-api:0.1 src/java/currency-rate-api/.


The demo is built using Dapr. That means that each service is a Dapr app. The Dapr sidecar is injected into each container and is responsible for the communication between the services. This means that it is possible to change the infrastructure without changing the code. For example, it is possible to change the pub/sub implementation from Kafka to Azure Service Bus without changing the code.