Make sure that
is flashed into the top Atom andTransponder
is flashed into the base Basic .The tool download address:
ubuntu: 16.04LTS
ros version: 1.12.17
If your Atom
is 2.3 or before, or pymycobot
is 1.*, Please check branch before
Download ROS
1. Installation
1.1 Pre-Requriements
For using this package, the Python api library should be installed first.
pip install pymycobot --user
1.2 Package Download and Install
Install ros package in your src folder of your Catkin workspace.
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src
$ git clone
$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ catkin_make
1.3 Test Python API
cd ~/catkin_ws/src/myCobotROS
python scripts/
2. Package Modules
2.1 Nodes
is a display node. When the node is running, the model of ROS will show the movement of mycobot synchronously.control_slider
is the node which slider bar control.control_marker
is the node which use interactive marker control.
2.2 Topics
- control mycobot status.Message_type: std_msgs/JointState Data: position[float, float, float, float, float, float]
3. Visualization in RViz
3.1 Functions
Visualization -- display.launch: This function will display robot arm movement in realtime when you manually move mycobot.
Control -- control.launch: This function will allow you use slider bar to control movement of the robot arm.
3.2 Lanuch and Run
-Step 1: In one terminal, open the core.
roscore #open another tab
-Step 2: Launch
a) For display or marker control, in second terminal, run:
roslaunch myCobotROS mycobot.launch
b) For slider bar control, in second terminal, run:
roslaunch myCobotROS control.launch
-Step 3: Open rviz to view robot
rosrun rviz rviz
If you use the above command, then you may need to manually add some model components. If you don't want to be so troublesome, you can use the following command to load a saved myCobot model.
rosrun rviz rviz -d rospack find myCobotROS/config/mycobot.rviz
-Step 4: Run python script
a) For display
rosrun myCobotROS
b) For slider bar.
rosrun myCobotROS
c) For marker control
rosrun myCobotROS
Q & A
Q: error[101]
A: Make sure that the serial port is not occupied, and that the correct firmware is burned in for atom and basic