
Module 16: Pandas

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Module 16: Pandas

This module introduces the Python Data Analysis library pandas—a set of modules, functions, and classes used to for easily and efficiently performing data analysis—panda's speciality is its highly optimized performance when working with large data sets. pandas is the most common library used with Python for Data Science (and mirrors the R language in many ways, allowing programmers to easily move between the two). In this module, we will discuss the two main data structures used by pandas (Series and DataFrames) and how to use them to organize and work with data.




pandas is a third-party library (not built into Python!), but is included by default with Anaconda and so can be imported directly. Additionally, Pandas is built on top of the numpy scientific computing library which supports highly optimized mathematical operations. Thus many pandas operations involve working with numpy data structures, and the pandas library requires numpy (also included in Anaconda) to also be imported:

# import libraries
import pandas as pd  # standard shortcut names
import numpy as np
  • We usually import the module and reference types and methods using dot notation, rather than importing them into the global namespace.

  • Note that this module will focus primarily on pandas, leaving numpy-specific data structures and functions for the reader to explore.


The first basic pandas data structure is a Series. A Series represents a one-dimensional ordered collection of values, making them somewhat similar to a regular Python list. However, elements can also be given labels (called the index), which can be non-numeric values, similar to a key in a Python dictionary. This makes a Series somewhat like an ordered dictionary—one that supports additional methods and efficient data-processing behaviors.

Series can be created using the Series() function (a constructor for instances of the class):

# create a Series from a list
number_series = pd.Series([1, 2, 2, 3, 5, 8])


0    1
1    2
2    2
3    3
4    5
5    8
dtype: int64

Printing a Series will display it like a table: the first value in each row is the index (label) of that element, and the second is the value of the element in the Series.

  • Printing will also display the type of the elements in the Series. All elements in the Series will be treated as "same" type—if you create a Series from mixed elements (e.g., numbers and strings), the type will be the a generic object. In practice, we almost always create Series from a single type.

If we create a Series from a list, each element will be given an index (label) that is that values's index in the list. We can also create a Series from a dictionary, in which case the keys will be used as the index labels:

# create a Series from a dictionary
age_series = pd.Series({'sarah':42, 'amit':35, 'zhang':13})
amit     35
sarah    42
zhang    13
dtype: int64
  • Note that the Series is automatically sorted by the keys of the dictionary! This means that the order of the elements in the Series will always be the same for a given dictionary (which cannot be said for the dictionary items themselves).

Series Operations and Methods

The main benefit of Series (as opposed to normal lists or dictionaries) is that they provide a number of operations and methods that make it easy to consider and modify the entire Series, rather than needing to worth with each element individually. In a way, the functions include built-in mapping, reducing, and filtering style operations.

In particular, basic operators (whether math operators such as + and -, or relational operators such as > or ==) function as vectorized operations, meaning that they are applied to the entire Series member-wise: the operation is applied to the first element in the Series, then the second, then the third, and so forth:

sample = pd.Series(range(1,6))  # Series of numbers from 1 to 5 (6 is excluded)
result = sample + 4  # add 4 to each element (produces new Series)
    # 0    5
    # 1    6
    # 2    7
    # 3    8
    # 4    9
    # dtype: int64

is_greater_than_3 = sample > 3  # compare each element
    # 0    False
    # 1    False
    # 2    False
    # 3     True  # note index and value are not the same
    # 4     True
    # dtype: bool
  • Having a Series operation apply to a scalar (a single value) is referred to as broadcasting. The idea is that the smaller "set" of elements (e.g., a single value) is broadcast so that it has a comparible size, thereby allowing different "sized" data structures to interact. Technically, operating on a Series with a scalar is actually a specific case of operating on it with another Series!

If the second operand is another Series, then mathematical and relational operations are still applied member-wise, with the elements of each operand being "matched" by their index label. This means that for most Series whose indices are

s1 = pd.Series([2, 2, 2, 2, 2])
s2 = pd.Series([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

# examples of operations (list only includes values)
list(s1 + s2)  # [3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
list(s1 / s2)  # [2.0, 1.0, 0.66666666666666663, 0.5, 0.40000000000000002]
list(s1 < s2)  # [False, False, True, True, True]

# add a Series to itself (why not?)
list(s2 + s2)  # [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]

# perform more advanced arithmetic!
s3 = (s1 + s2) / (s1 + s1)
list(s3)  # [0.75, 1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75]

And note that these operations will be fast, even for very large Series, allowing for effective data manipulations.

pandas Series also include a number of methods for inspecting and manipulating the data. Some useful examples (not comprehensive):

Function Description
index an attribute; the sequence of index labels (convert to a list to use)
head(n) returns a Series containing only the first n elements
tail(n) returns a Series containing only the last n elements
any() returns whether ANY of the elements are True (or "truthy")
all() returns whether ALL of the elements are True (or "truthy")
mean() returns the statistical mean of the elements in the Series
std() returns the standard deviation of the elements in the Series
describe() returns a Series of descriptive statistics
idxmax() returns the index label of the element with the max value

Series support many more methods as well: see the full documentation for a complete list.

One particularly useful method to mention is the apply() method. This method is used to apply a particular callback function to each element in the series. This is a mapping operation, similar to what we've done with the map() function:

def square(n):  # a function that squares a number
    return n**2

number_series = pd.Series([1,2,3,4,5])  # an initial series

square_series = number_series.apply(square)
list(square_series)  # [1, 4, 9, 16, 25]

# can also apply built-in functions
import math
sqrt_series = number_series.apply(math.sqrt)
list(sqrt_series)  # [1.0, 1.4142135623730951, 1.7320508075688772, 2.0, 2.2360679774997898]

# pass additional arguments as keyword args (or `args` for a single argument)
cubed_series = number_series.apply(math.pow, args=(3,)) # call math.exp(n, 3) on each
list(cubed_series)  # [1.0, 8.0, 27.0, 64.0, 125.0]

Accessing Series

Just like lists and dictionaries, elements in a Series can be accessed using bracket notation, putting the index label inside the brackets:

number_series = pd.Series([1, 2, 2, 3, 5, 8])
age_series = pd.Series({'sarah':42, 'amit':35, 'zhang':13})

# get the 1th element from the number_series
number_series[1]  # 2

# get the 'sarah' element from age_series
age_series['amit']  # 35

# get the 0th element from age_series
# (Series are ordered, so can be accessed positionally)
age_series[0]  # 42

Note that the returned values are not technically basic int or float or string types, but are rather specific numpy objects that work almost identically to their normal type (but with some additional optimization).

You can also use list-style slices using the colon operator (e.g., elements 1:3).

it is also possible to specify a sequence of indicies (i.e., a list or range or even a Series of indices) to access using bracket notation. This will produce a new Series object that contains only the elements that have those labels:

age_series = pd.Series({'sarah':42, 'amit':35, 'zhang':13})

index_list = ['sarah', 'zhang']
print( age_series[index_list] )
    # sarah    42
    # zhang    13
    # dtype: int64

# using an anonymous variable for the index list (notice the brackets!)
print( age_series[['sarah', 'zhang']] )
    # sarah    42
    # zhang    13
    # dtype: int64

This also means that you can use something like a list comprehension to (or even a Series operation!) to determine which elements to select from a Series!

letter_series = pd.Series(['a','b','c','d','e','f'])
even_numbers = [num for num in range(0,6) if num%2 == 0]  # list of even numbers

# get letters with even numbered indices
letter_series[even_numbers]  # []
    # 0    a
    # 2    c
    # 4    e
    # dtype: object

# in one line (check the brackets!)
letter_series[[num for num in range(0,6) if num%2 == 0]]

Finally, using a sequence of booleans with bracket notatoin will produce a new Series containing the elements whose position corresponds with True values. This is called boolean indexing.

shoe_sizes = pd.Series([7, 6.5, 4, 11, 8])  # a series of shoe sizes
index_filter = [True, False, False, True, True]  # list of which elements to extract

# extract every element in an index that is True
shoe_sizes[index_filter]  # has values 7.0, 11.0, 8.0
  • In this example, since index_filter is True at index 0, 3, and 4, then shoe_sizes[index_filter] returns a Series with the elements from index numbers 0, 3, and 4.

This is incredibly powerful because it allows us to easily perform filtering operations on a Series:

shoe_sizes = pd.Series([7, 6.5, 4, 11, 8])  # a series of shoe sizes
big_sizes = shoe_sizes > 6.5  # has values True, False, False, True, True

big_shoes = shoe_sizes[big_sizes]  # has values 7, 11, 8

# as one line
big_shoes = shoe_sizes[shoe_size > 6.5]
  • You can think of the last statement as saying shoe sizes where shoe size is greater than 6.5.

  • You can include logical operators ("and" and "or") by using the operators & for "and" and | for "or". Be sure to wrap each relational expression in () to enforce order of operations.

While it is perfectly possible to do similar filtering with a list comprehension, the boolean indexing expression can be very simple to read and runs quickly. (This is also the normal style of doing filtering in the R programming language).

Data Frames

The most common data structure used in pandas (more common than Series) is a DataFrame. A DataFrame represents a table, where data is organized into rows and columns. You can think of a DataFrame as being like a Excel spreadsheet or a SQL table.

  • We have previously represented tabular data using a list of dictionaries. However, this required us to be careful to make sure that all of the dictionaries shared keys, and did not offer easy ways to interact with the table in terms of its rows or columns. DataFrames give us that functionality!

A DataFrame can also be understood as a dictionary of Series, where each Series represents a column of the table. The keys of this dictionary are the index labels of the columns, while the the index labels of the Series serve as the labels for the row.

  • This is distinct from spreadsheets or SQL tables, which are often seen as a collection of observations (rows). Programmatically, DataFrames should primarily be considered as a collection of features (columns), which happen to be sequenced to correspond to observations.

A DataFrame can be created using the DataFrame() function (a constructor for instances of the class). This function usually takes as an argument dictionary where the values are Series (or values that can be converted into a Series, such as a list or a dictionary):

name_series = pd.Series(['Ada','Bob','Chris','Diya','Emma'])
heights = range(58,63)
weights = [115, 117, 120, 123, 126]

df = pd.DataFrame({'name':name_series, 'height':heights, 'weight':weights})
    #    height   name  weight
    # 0      58    Ada     115
    # 1      59    Bob     117
    # 2      60  Chris     120
    # 3      61   Diya     123
    # 4      62   Emma     126
  • Although DataFrames variables are often named df in pandas examples, this is not a good variable name. You should use much more descriptive names for your DataFrames (e.g., person_size_table) when used in actual programs.
  • You can specify the order of columns in the table using the columns keyword argument, and the order of the rows using the index keyword argument.

It is also possible to create a DataFrame directly from a spreadsheet—such as from .csv file (containing comma sseparated values) by using the pandas.read_csv() function:

my_dataframe = pd.read_csv('path/to/my/file.csv')

See the IO Tools documentation for details and other file-reading functions.

DataFrame Operations and Methods

Much like Series, DataFrames support a vectorized form of mathematical and relational operators: when the other operand is a scalar, then the operation is applied member-wise to each value in the DataFrame:

# data frame of test scores
test_scores = pd.DataFrame({
    'math':[91, 82, 93, 100, 78, 91],
    'spanish':[88, 79, 77, 99, 88, 93]

curved_scores = test_scores * 1.02  # curve scores up by 2%
    #      math  spanish
    # 0   92.82    89.76
    # 1   83.64    80.58
    # 2   94.86    78.54
    # 3  102.00   100.98
    # 4   79.56    89.76
    # 5   92.82    94.86

print(curved_scores > 90)
    #     math spanish
    # 0   True   False
    # 1  False   False
    # 2   True   False
    # 3   True    True
    # 4  False   False
    # 5   True    True

It is possible to have both operands be DataFrames. In thiis case the operation is applied member-wise, where values are matched if they have the same row and column label. Note that any value that doesn't have a pair will instead produce the value NaN (Not a Number). This is not a normal way of working with DataFrames—it is much more common to access individual rows and columns and work with those (e.g., add make a new column that is the sum of two others); see below for details.

Also like Series, DataFrames objects support a large number of methods, including:

Function Description
index an attribute; the sequence of row index labels (convert to a list to use)
columns an attribute; the sequence of column index labels (convert to a list to use)
head(n) returns a DataFrame containing only the first n rows
tail(n) returns a DataFrame containing only the last n rows
assign(...) returns a new DataFrame with an additional column; call as df.assign(new_label=new_column)
drop(label, row_or_col) returns a new DataFrame with the given row or column removed
mean() returns a Series of the statistical means of the values of each column
all() returns a Series of whether ALL the elemnts in each column are True (or "truthy")
describe() returns a DataFrame whose columns are Series of descriptive statistics for each column in the original DataFrame

You may notice that many of these methods (e.g., head(), mean(), describe(), any()) also exist for Series. In fact, most every method that Series support are supported by DataFrames as well. These methods are all applied per column (not per row)—that is, calling mean() on a DataFrame will calculate the mean of each column in that DataFrame:

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'weights':[115, 117, 120, 123, 126]})
    # height      60.0
    # weights    120.2
    # dtype: float64

If the Series method would return a scalar (a single value, as with mean() or any()), then the DataFrame method returns a Series whose labels are the column labels, as above. If the Series method instead would return a Series (multiple values, as with head() or describe()), then the DataFrame method returns a new DataFrame whose columns are each of the resulting Series:

df = pd.DataFrame({
    'weights':[115, 117, 120, 123, 126]})
    #         height     weights
    # count   5.000000    5.000000
    # mean   60.000000  120.200000
    # std     1.581139    4.438468
    # min    58.000000  115.000000
    # 25%    59.000000  117.000000
    # 50%    60.000000  120.000000
    # 75%    61.000000  123.000000
    # max    62.000000  126.000000
  • Notice that the height column is the result of calling describe() on the DataFrame's height column Series!

  • As a general rule: if you're expecting one value per column, you'll get a Series of those values; if you're expecting multiple values per column, you'll get a DataFrame of those values.

  • This also means that you can sometimes "double-call" methods to reduce them further. For example, df.any() returns a Series of whether each column contains a True value; df.all().all() would check if that Series contains all True values (thus checking all columns have all True value, i.e., the entire table is all True values).

Accessing DataFrames

DataFrames make it possible to quickly access individual or a subset of values, though these methods use a variety of syntax structures. For this explanation, refer to the following sample DataFrame initially described above:

# all examples in this section
df = pd.DataFrame({
    'weight':[115, 117, 120, 123, 126]

    #     height   name   weight
    # 0      58    Ada      115
    # 1      59    Bob      117
    # 2      60  Chris      120
    # 3      61   Diya      123
    # 4      62   Emma      126

Since DataFrames are most commonly viewed as a dictionary of columns, it is possible to access them as such using bracket notation (using the index label of the column):

print( df['height'] )  # get height column
    # 0    58
    # 1    59
    # 2    60
    # 3    61
    # 4    62
    # Name: height, dtype: int64

However, it is often more common to refer to individual columns using dot notation, treating each column as an attribute or property of the DataFrame object:

# same results as above
print( df.height )  # get height column

It is also possible to select multiple columns by using a list or sequence inside the bracket notation (similar to selecting multiple values from a Series). This will produce a new DataFrame (a "sub-table")

# count the brackets carefully!
print( df[['name', 'height']] )  # get name and height columns

# can also select multiple columns with a list of their positions
print( df[[1,2]] )  # get 1st (name) and 2nd (weight) columns
  • Watch out though! Specifying a slice (using a colon :) will actually select by row position, not column position!

    print( df[0:2] ) # get ROWS 0 through 2 (not inclusive)
        #    height name   weight
        # 0      58  Ada      115
        # 1      59  Bob      117

    I do not know wherefore this inconsistency, other than "convenience".

Because DataFrames support multiple indexes, it is possible to use boolean indexing (as with Series), allowing you to filter for rows based the values in their columns:

print( df[ df.height > 60 ] )
    #    height  name  weight
    # 3      61  Diya     123
    # 4      62  Emma     126
  • Note that df.heightis a Series (a column), so df.height > 60 produces a Series of boolean values (True and False). This Series is used to determine which rows to return from the DataFrame—each row that corresponds with a True index.

Finally, DataFrames also provide two attributes (properties) used to "quick access" values: loc, which provides an "index" (lookup table) based on index labels, and iloc, which provides an "index" (lookup table) based on row and column positions. Each of these "indexes" can be thought of as a dictionary whose values are the individual elements in the DataFrame, and whose keys can therefore be used to access those values using bracket notation. The dictionaries support multiple types of keys (using label-based loc as an example):

Key Type Description Example
df.loc[row_label] An individual value df.loc['Ada'] (the row labeled Ada)
df.loc[row_label_list] A list of row labels df.loc['Ada','Bob'] (the rows labeled Ada and Bob)
df.loc[row_label_slice] A slice of row labels df.loc['Bob':'Diya'] (the rows from Bob to Diya. Note that this is an inclusive slice!)
df.loc[row_label, col_label] A tuple of (row, column) df.loc['Ada', 'height'] (the value at row Ada, column height)
df.loc[row_label_seq, col_label_seq] A tuple of label lists or slices df.loc['Bob':'Diya', ['height','weight'] (the rows from Bob to Diya with the columns height and weight)
  • Note that the example df table doesn't have row labels beyond 0 to 4

  • Using a tuple makes it easy to access a particular value in the table, or a range of values (selecting rows and columns ).

  • Note that we can also use the boundless slice : to refer to "all elements". So for example:

    df.loc[:, 'height']  # get all rows, 'height' column

This is a basic summary of how to create and access DataFrames; for more detailed usage, additional methods, and specific "recipes", see the official pandas documentation.