
This is a minimal two window Electron/React app example -- make an EXE

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Made with ♥ by Martin!

Fully configured for ECMAScript 6 support both in the React components and in the Electron modules

  • Clone this project for a quick start
  • yarn start to run the project with Live Reload as you edit the React components or the main.js Electron app ---- see the changed immediately!!
  • yarn run prep and yarn run packager will build a Windows EXE, Mac APP, and/or Linux Execuable.

Development tools needed

How it works

The NPM scripts in package.json bundle your code via fuse-box. It uses gulp to check for changes in your src folder and live-reloads it with electron-connect. The babel preset is latest and react.

Editor Configuration


apm install editorconfig es6-javascript atom-ternjs javascript-snippets linter linter-eslint language-babel autocomplete-modules file-icons

Hope this starter helps!

Quick Start

# Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/martinjackson/electron-react-es6-fuse <your project name>
# Go into the repository
cd <your project name>
# Install dependencies
# launch your editor
atom .
# Run the app
yarn start

The gulpfile handles bundling and live-reloading. Check main.js on function createWindow() for electron-connect's client

Special Thanks

I learned quite a bit from ArekusuNaito's electron-fuse-box-babel-live-reload-boilerplate

Future TODOs

  • use electron-build to create auto-installer