
A React component that converts speech from the microphone to text.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A React component that converts speech from the microphone to text.

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How it works

SpeechRecognition is a higher order component that wraps one of your React components. In doing so, it injects some additional properties into the component that allow it to access a transcript of speech picked up from the user's microphone.

Under the hood, it uses Web Speech API. Currently, this component will only work in Chrome. It fails gracefully on other browsers.

It is recommended that you use Webpack to bundle this module with your web code.


To install:

npm install --save react-speech-recognition

To import in your React code:

import SpeechRecognition from 'react-speech-recognition'

Example usage

As only one component can be wrapped by SpeechRecognition, it is recommended that you add it to one of your root React components such as App. The transcription can then be passed down to child components.

import React, { Component } from "react";
import PropTypes from "prop-types";
import SpeechRecognition from "react-speech-recognition";

const propTypes = {
  // Props injected by SpeechRecognition
  transcript: PropTypes.string,
  resetTranscript: PropTypes.func,
  browserSupportsSpeechRecognition: PropTypes.bool

const Dictaphone = ({
}) => {
  if (!browserSupportsSpeechRecognition) {
    return null;

  return (
      <button onClick={resetTranscript}>Reset</button>

Dictaphone.propTypes = propTypes;

export default SpeechRecognition(Dictaphone);

Global options

You can configure the default initial state of the Speech Recognition API. To change these defaults, you need to pass an options object into the wrapper like so:

const options = {
  autoStart: false

export default SpeechRecognition(options)(YourComponent)

autoStart [bool]

By default, the Speech Recognition API will immediately start listening to speech from the microphone. To have the API initially turned off, set this to false.

continuous [bool]

By default, the Speech Recognition API is continuously listening to speech from the microphone when it is turned on. To have the API stop listening after the user has finished speaking, set this to false. For example, if you are building a chat app that only starts listening to the user's speech after a button click, you should set both continuous and autoStart options to false. Call startListening to make the API start listening again.

Props added to your component

transcript [string]

Transcription of all speech that has been spoken into the microphone. Is equivalent to the final transcript followed by the interim transcript, separated by a space.

resetTranscript [function]

Sets the transcription to an empty string.

startListening [function]

Causes the Web Speech API to start listening to speech from the microphone.

NOTE: if the continuous option is set to false, then startListening will reset the transcript prop.

stopListening [function]

Causes the Web Speech API to stop listening to speech from the microphone, but will finish processing any remaining speech.

abortListening [function]

Causes the Web Speech API to stop listening to speech from the microphone, and also stop processing the current speech.

browserSupportsSpeechRecognition [bool]

If false, the browser does not support the Speech Recognition API.

listening [bool]

If true, the Web Speech API is listening to speech from the microphone.

interimTranscript [string]

Transcription of speech for which transcription hasn't finished yet.

For the current words being spoken, the interim transcript reflects each successive guess made by the transcription algorithm. When the browser’s confidence in its guess is maximized, it is added to the final transcript.

The difference between interim and final transcripts can be illustrated by an example over four iterations of the transcription algorithm:

Final transcript Interim transcript
'Hello, I am' 'jam'
'Hello, I am' 'jams'
'Hello, I am' 'James'
'Hello, I am James' ''

finalTranscript [string]

Transcription of speech for which transcription has finished.

recognition [Object]

The underlying object used by Web Speech API. It can be used to change the transcription language, which is the browser language if not specified. For example, to set the transcription language to Chinese:

recognition.lang = 'zh-CN'


How to use react-speech-recognition offline?

Unfortunately, speech recognition will not function in Chrome when offline. According to the Web Speech API docs: On Chrome, using Speech Recognition on a web page involves a server-based recognition engine. Your audio is sent to a web service for recognition processing, so it won't work offline.

If you are building an offline web app, you can detect when the browser is offline by inspecting the value of navigator.onLine. If it is true, you can render the transcript generated by React Speech Recognition. If it is false, it's advisable to render offline fallback content that signifies that speech recognition is disabled. The online/offline API is simple to use - you can read how to use it here.

The transcript contains duplicate words!

There is a bug in Android Chrome that causes the Web Speech API to generate duplicate words in the speech recognition result. Possible workarounds:
