Tiny Little Virtual Machine.
The start of a simple 8 bit virtual machine, for experimentation
Currently this is an implementation of the Intel 8080 processor, but I intend to extend it to support the z80, as well as potentially the 6502.
There some samples provided to test a number of the functionalities of the system. They each expect a number of things set up for them to run successfully.
Filename: demo/8080/Hello.bin Expects stdio port 1 and stdio status port 2, raising 0x01 when ready to output character Sample tlvm-dbg commands: file demo/8080/Hello.bin 0x0000 memory 0x0100 256 stdio 1 2 run
Filename: demo/8080/Fibonacci.bin Expects value watcher port 1 and value watcher status port 2, raising 0x01 when ready to output character Sample tlvm-dbg commands: file demo/8080/Fibonacci.bin 0x0000 memory 0x0100 256 watch 1 2 run
- Make sure it builds and runs on Windows
- Currently should just be dbg.cpp and time.c that doesn't work
- Finish the 8080 instructions
- Write unit tests for every instruction
- Add cpudiag from CP/M to the smoke tests
- cpudiag runs cleanly for all 8080 instructions, but I don't think I can add it to the smoke tests, I can't seem to find which license it was provided under. I don't think it's something I can use
- Refactor all the unit tests to make more sense with the processor
- Add the z80 extensions
- Allow variable sized 8 bit register array
- Allow variable sized 16 bit registers (ie not just SP/PC)
- Add 6502 instuctions
- Research what these are first!
- Add 6303 instructions
- Try and find documentation for this
- Turns out that it's an extended Motorola 6801, so I'm implementing 6800, then adding 6801
- Add 6800 instructions
- Extend to 6801
- Need to split instructions into separate functions. It's currently doing the instruction lookup, followed by a set of if tests for almost every single instruction, even if the instructions don't share any common code at all
- Make tlvm threadsafe.
- This should be safe enough to do by putting a byte in the context and checking it when something changes the state (interrupt, reset, step)
- Write an assembler for this processor
- 16 bit CPUs
- 32 bit CPUs
- 64 bit CPUs
- 128 bit CPUs
- ...
- 128 bit CPUs
- 64 bit CPUs
- 32 bit CPUs