ReactJS based Spotify Web Clone


  • Most trending Web Framework according to Google trends.
  • Easy to learn.
  • Compatible in almost all browsers.

Quick Links

  • Official ReactJS Documentation :- Link
  • Full ReactJS tutorial :- Link
  • Tutorial about the Spotify Web Clone and other interesting clones(Facebook, WhatsApp) :- Clever Programmer

A Brief Note

This project is deployed in Firebase currently, so if you want to lauch it on your local system you have to follow these steps:-

  1. Open the project folder after forking or git pull "the repository link".
  2. Go to src > spotify.js
  3. You will see this variable on the line 2 of the file
    const redirectUri = "";
  1. Just change the String value to
    const redirectUri = "http://localhost:3000/";
  1. Now open the Terminal and use the following command to install all the dependencies.
npm install
  1. Now the last step just use this command to host on your local system server.
npm start