Gstreamer Plugin

Plugin Type - Low Pass Filter
Cutoff Frequency - 10 Khz
No of channels supported - {1, 2}
Signal Type - Audio only

Filter Description

This is a FIR Low pass filter, filter is designed using Python Programming language. Blackman Window is used to reduce ripples in filter.


Demo Application

A demo application is provided which shows how to use the plugin, In demo application it accepts mp3 file and then it plays after filtering it.

The pipeline is build as follows -

filesrc - mpegaudioparse - mpg123audiodec - audioresample - audioconvert - my_filter - audioconvert - audioresample - pulsesink

my_filter plugin is using 48 Khz sampling rate and F64LE format, that's why we're using audioresample and audioconvert before and after my_filter element in pipeline.

Building Plugin

Refer to the following tutorial


Demonstration is available in video