
An HTTP/2 APNS library built on AsyncHTTPClient

Primary LanguageSwiftApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

sswg:incubating|94x20 Build Documentation


A non-blocking Swift module for sending remote Apple Push Notification requests to APNS built on http/2, SwiftNIO for use on server side swift platforms.


To install APNSwift, just add the package as a dependency in your Package.swift.

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "https://github.com/swift-server-community/APNSwift.git", from: "5.0.0"),

Getting Started

struct BasicNotification: APNSNotification {
    let aps: APNSPayload

var logger = Logger(label: "com.apnswift")
logger.logLevel = .debug

/// Create your `APNSConfiguration.Authentication`

let authenticationConfig: APNSConfiguration.Authentication = .init(
    privateKey: try .loadFrom(filePath: "/Users/kylebrowning/Documents/AuthKey_9UC9ZLQ8YW.p8"),
    teamIdentifier: "ABBM6U9RM5",
    keyIdentifier: "9UC9ZLQ8YW"

/// If you need to use a secrets manager instead of reading from the disk, use
/// `loadfrom(string:)`

let apnsConfig = try APNSConfiguration(
    authenticationConfig: authenticationConfig,
    topic: "com.grasscove.Fern",
    environment: .sandbox,
    logger: logger
let apns = APNSClient(configuration: apnsConfig)

let aps = APNSPayload(alert: .init(title: "Hey There", subtitle: "Subtitle", body: "Body"), hasContentAvailable: true)
let deviceToken = "myDeviceToken"
try await apns.send(notification, pushType: .alert, to: deviceToken)
try await apns.shutdown()


APNSConfiguration is a structure that provides the system with common configuration.

let apnsConfig = try APNSConfiguration(
    authenticationConfig: authenticationConfig,
    topic: "com.grasscove.Fern",
    environment: .sandbox,
    logger: logger


APNSConfiguration.Authentication is a struct that provides authentication keys and metadata to the signer.

let authenticationConfig: APNSConfiguration.Authentication = .init(
    privateKey: try .loadFrom(filePath: "/Users/kylebrowning/Documents/AuthKey_9UC9ZLQ8YW.p8"),
    teamIdentifier: "ABBM6U9RM5",
    keyIdentifier: "9UC9ZLQ8YW"


APNSClient provides functions to send a notification to a specific device token string.

Example APNSClient

let apns = APNSClient(configuration: apnsConfig)


APNSAlert is the actual meta data of the push notification alert someone wishes to send. More details on the specifics of each property are provided here. They follow a 1-1 naming scheme listed in Apple's documentation

Example APNSAlert

let alert = APNSAlert(title: "Hey There", subtitle: "Full moon sighting", body: "There was a full moon last night did you see it")


APNSPayload is the meta data of the push notification. Things like the alert, badge count. More details on the specifics of each property are provided here. They follow a 1-1 naming scheme listed in Apple's documentation

Example APNSPayload

let alert = ...
let aps = APNSPayload(alert: alert, badge: 1, sound: .normal("cow.wav"))

Custom Notification Data

Apple provides engineers with the ability to add custom payload data to each notification. In order to facilitate this we have the APNSNotification.


struct AcmeNotification: APNSwiftNotification {
    let acme2: [String]
    let aps: APNSPayload

    init(acme2: [String], aps: APNSPayload) {
        self.acme2 = acme2
        self.aps = aps

let apns: APNSClient: = ...
let aps: APNSPayload = ...
let notification = AcmeNotification(acme2: ["bang", "whiz"], aps: aps)
let res = try apns.send(notification, to: "de1d666223de85db0186f654852cc960551125ee841ca044fdf5ef6a4756a77e")

Need a completely custom arbtirary payload and dont like being typecast?

APNSwift provides the ability to send raw payloads. You can use Data, ByteBuffer, DispatchData, Array Though this is to be used with caution. APNSwift cannot gurantee delivery if you do not have the correct payload. For more information see: Creating APN Payload

let notificationJsonPayload = ...
let data: Data = try! encoder.encode(notificationJsonPayload)
try apns.send(raw: data, pushType: .alert, to: "<DEVICETOKEN>")

Original pitch and discussion on API